ZHA remotes do not appear in Apple Homekit/Home

Hey, all

Having taken the plunge and gone (almost) full ZHA over Hue, I’ve noticed my IKEA / Philips remotes do not appear in Homekit. Blueprints were required to gain functionality in HA, where all is well. Ideally, I’d like to be able to push through an unconfigured remote to Homekit, having the option to assign buttons in the Home app. I have a couple of Thread devices which Homekit happily plays with while HA is unaware of.
Is this possible? My research has resulted in nothing on the topic.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Perhaps it would require button entities for it to “just work” without triggering buttons using automation?

If so then note that button platform has not yet been added to ZHA but it looks like it is being worked on:



Workaround could be to use automation to trigger, see example:


I’ll check those links out.
Thanks! ; )