ZHA: Lidl (livarnoLux) Zigbee Remote control, Can it work?

Hi all,

First of all: I am quite new to Home Assistant and do not have particular IT skills. I use HA mostly with UI.

Before I puchased the Home Assistant Blue, I used the Lidl (Silvercrest) hub in combination with 10 Lidl zigbee lights, 3 Lidl zigbee power sockets and a lidl zigbee remote control.

Because I wanted to integrate this in Home Assistant I bought a Conbee II stick and added all the lights and power sockets to Home Assistant via ZHA. Works perfectly! Now there is the remote control: Lidl Livarno Lux Remote Control Dimmer HG06323 Zigbee compatibility It connected via ZHA to HA in a second. So I was planning to use an automation to control the lights. But the only trigger options for the remote were: ‘Device offline’ or ‘Battery level changed’. No ‘On’ or ‘Off’.

I used ‘Developer tools/events/listen to events’ and pushed the buttons one by one: This is the result, Event 0 is off, 1 is on, 2 is dim up, 3 is dim down:

Gebeurtenis 3 uitgevoerd 20:03:

“event_type”: “zha_event”,
“data”: {
“device_ieee”: “bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”,
“unique_id”: “bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1:0x0008”,
“device_id”: “2bf2e7b7e06d705c028a20xxxxxxxxxx”,
“endpoint_id”: 1,
“cluster_id”: 8,
“command”: “step”,
“args”: [
“origin”: “LOCAL”,
“time_fired”: “2021-12-09T19:03:27.707883+00:00”,
“context”: {
“id”: “b39b14e74019024af0625axxxxxxxxxx”,
“parent_id”: null,
“user_id”: null
Gebeurtenis 2 uitgevoerd 20:03:
“event_type”: “zha_event”,
“data”: {
“device_ieee”: “bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”,
“unique_id”: “bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1:0x0008”,
“device_id”: “2bf2e7b7e06d705c028a20xxxxxxxxxx”,
“endpoint_id”: 1,
“cluster_id”: 8,
“command”: “step”,
“args”: [
“origin”: “LOCAL”,
“time_fired”: “2021-12-09T19:03:24.841735+00:00”,
“context”: {
“id”: “8b30b069853dce9626bd57xxxxxxxxxx”,
“parent_id”: null,
“user_id”: null
Gebeurtenis 1 uitgevoerd 20:03:
“event_type”: “zha_event”,
“data”: {
“device_ieee”: “bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”,
“unique_id”: “bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1:0x0006”,
“device_id”: “2bf2e7b7e06d705c028a20xxxxxxxxxx”,
“endpoint_id”: 1,
“cluster_id”: 6,
“command”: “on”,
“origin”: “LOCAL”,
“time_fired”: “2021-12-09T19:03:21.678566+00:00”,
“context”: {
“id”: “5fc093397e14010bba98ddxxxxxxxxxx”,
“parent_id”: null,
“user_id”: null
Gebeurtenis 0 uitgevoerd 20:03:
“event_type”: “zha_event”,
“data”: {
“device_ieee”: “bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx”,
“unique_id”: “bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:1:0x0006”,
“device_id”: “2bf2e7b7e06d705c028a20xxxxxxxxxx”,
“endpoint_id”: 1,
“cluster_id”: 6,
“command”: “off”,
“origin”: “LOCAL”,
“time_fired”: “2021-12-09T19:03:17.702387+00:00”,
“context”: {
“id”: “d88656849ae183083f2ce4xxxxxxxxxx”,
“parent_id”: null,
“user_id”: null

The system can detect on and of. Hurray! Now it is time for the next step: Can I use this remote with ZHA with this information? If yes, how?


Use this trigger in an automation (change for each of the buttons):

  - platform: event
    event_type: zha_event
      device_ieee: 'bc:33:ac:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
      endpoint_id: 1
      cluster_id: 8
      command: step
        - 1
        - 51
        - 10
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Thank you for the quick reply.

I will let you know the outcome when I’m home.

It works, thanks!

FYI - I put the light and the remote control in the same group and that let’s the remote control manage the light without using the coordinator (home assistant ZHA).

Now this is interesting to know, because there should be other presses as well as according to some documentation the remote control can be used to manage scenes.
I didn’t investigate in detail but I suppose there are long presses as well.

According to Z2M docs, The possible values are: on, off, brightness_stop, brightness_step_up, brightness_step_down, brightness_move_up, brightness_move_down so looks like holding and releasing the brightness buttons might create different events in ZHA

I got something, other platform, but doesn’t matter:

So multiple presses of the “On button” results in different commands to the coordinator.

I tried the successive “On” presses - these do not show up as ZHA events, but as warnings in the log:

2021-12-10 18:54:39 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy.zcl] [0xd988:1:0x0006] Unknown cluster-specific command 253

I put my sniffer to work and there is a non-standard Zigbee Cluster command, which I think is implemented in a non-compliant way. I wonder how these things get past certification - probably because these commands are not announced/listed.

Tuya dimmer switch - Connectivity Standards Alliance - You can check the compliance document - the command 0xFD is not listed. IMHO the 0xFD command should be a manufacturer command and it appears as a standard command.

So these commands to not make it as a zha_event and are therefore not useable. I do not know if there is some other event that they can be captured on (exception) - I could not find any in the zha code.

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Can you explain this please.

Probably refers to grouping of lighting devices in ZHA (a.k.a. lightgroups) then binding remote to group?


I’ll look into this, thanks.

Sorry, I just saw this now.

When going in the details of a ZHA device, you can Manage Clusters and choose to Bind Groups (in my french interface, that is “GĂ©rer les clusters” and “Liaison de groupe”

The pull down allows you to select the group:

I found that the remote control could be linked to a light by itself which creates its ‘default group’ which always had the same number - that is not the best way to go I think.

Groups can be defined in the groups tab of the ZHA integration. Here you can see that I define a group “b” which is group number 2.

You can click on a group and add members:

You can also delete the group (delete icon in the upper right corner). As far as I know the UI does not allow remaming the group so I called it ‘b’ to test, and it stayed ‘b’ because it works.