ZHA reports incorrect events?

Hey Everyone!

I’m trying to migrate from a Raspbee controller using deCONZ to a Sonoff Dongle using ZHA. I’ve migrated my Ikea STYRBAR, but I’ve noticed that ZHA appears to report events incorrectly.

Using deCONZ, if I press and hold the “dim” button then release, I would get two events reported: “Dim down continuously pressed” and “Dim down released after long press”.

Using ZHA, I get three events reported for the same action: “Turn off pressed” (the “dim” button), “Dim down continuously pressed” and “Dim down released after long press”.

deCONZ treated button events on “release” while ZHA seems to treat button events starting with “pressed”. This distinction will mess up my automations since ZHA will erroneously trigger both short and long press events.

Is this how ZHA is designed to work? If not, how do I fix it? If so, how do others deal with the three events?

Thanks for your help!

Yeah, this migration issue of reporting “pressed” vs. “released” is a real problem. ZHA reporting three events vs. deCONZ two events is a major pain for correctly triggering controller actions.

Is there any way (configuration option, anything) to have ZHA report on button “released” instead of button “pressed”?

Thanks again.