ZHA Sonoff ZBBridge Tasmota

I reprogrammed sonoff zigbee bridge to tasmotа.
I installed zha integration and connected several sensors.
I have a few questions about configuring zha:
1.how to set the zigbee channel I need
2.how to change the network ID (it is now 0000)
3. I have connected a motion sensor. In integration zigbee2mqtt there were 3 parameters - motion, battery level, lqu. How to get the lqi parameter on his card in ZHA? In card vizualization I can see lqu level. Еhat is, I want to get such a card:Безымянный

I am bumping because I am searching for this answer also.

Haven’t tried it myself yet, but according to the discord associated with digiblur’s flashing instructions for this bridge, you just use the regular ZHA settings to change the channel: