ZHA support for Zigbee Tuya Smart Soil sensor please

I have bought a couple of the new Zigbee Tuya Smart Soil sensors, eg [https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007103629266.html], sadly without checking whether they were supported by ZHA. They register as a device under ZHA and expose some basics like device status, but not the temperature and moisture level I need.
Any chance someone might add support for these? I have only just started with Home Assistant and don’t have the expertise yet to do it myself.

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Hello Geoff Wyss,

Look here to see if your device is supported or if someone has a quirk files to tide you over until it is supported assuming it is not.
If you are looking at how to use the quirks, How to setup local ZHA quirks.
Has a discussion about it. I’m sure searching the community would find you more stuff.
Tips on Searching for Answers & Duplicate Topics in the Forum.

Thanks, it is not supported, but there is a quirks file that looks promising. I will report back when I have figured out how to use it!

I tried adding the quirks file at zhaquirks/tuya/ts0601_sensor.py, with (“_TZE284_sgabhwa6”, “TS0601”) added to the MODELS_INFO for class TuyaSoilSensor, but that didn’t work. The diagnostics show “quirk_applied”: false.

I see one has been produced for zigbee2mqtt, see Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters#7741, in case that helps.

I have also added to the issue report on github.

I also explored existing quirks to see if I could adapt one, but it appears that the quirk is not being used by the device. The MODELS_INFO signature seems correct:

(“_TZE284_sgabhwa6”, “TS0601”),

and the quirk setup shows no errors in the log

“Loaded custom quirks. Please contribute them to …”

After restarting Home Assistant, reloading ZHA, and reconfiguring the device, the quirk still isn’t being loaded.

Has anyone had success with this device?

I see this device works with zigbee2mqtt, Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman-converters#7741 so it should be possible to use it with ZHA too.

PS: Is it possible to run both ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT simultaneously on the same SkyConnect Zigbee coordinator? I assume not, but it would be ideal, as it would allow us to use this soil sensor with Zigbee2MQTT while maintaining the other devices with ZHA as we do today.
Having these two ‘flavors’ comes with its downsides. Development efforts are divided between ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT, spreading focus and impacting device support.

No, you can’t run both on the same coordinator. You will need a separate coordinator.

Again, no. Z2M is maintained by people outside of HA, while ZHA is part of HA core and maintained by the staff (and contributions from some great volunteers). Development efforts aren’t divided because they’re not sharing the same resources

True, but imagine if both the core staff and volunteers contributing to ZHA, along with the outside contributors working on Z2M, collaborated to support devices together. Instead of splitting efforts across two platforms, where some devices are only supported by ZHA and others only by Z2M, they could unify their work, benefiting the entire ecosystem and ensuring broader device compatibility.

Right now, users are forced to choose between ZHA and Z2M, facing challenges like the one we’re dealing with. We have a new device supported by Z2M but not yet by ZHA. So, what do we do?
Do we switch our entire setup to Z2M, only to discover that a previous device no longer works with it? It creates a frustrating cycle.

Quirks aren’t matched on the model name alone, you need to be sure that the cluster list in the signature match the device also.

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Zigbee2mqtt is not only used by HA users, it is used by other home automation systems too.

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This proposed quirk works if you add (“_TZE284_sgabhwa6”, “TS0601”) to the MODELS_INFO.

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Great! Thank you.
The battery level isn’t being measured, and the moisture level appears quite low, but this is definitely promising.

Give it some time. It’ll probably show up on the next reporting interval in the next 24hrs

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Thank you very much!

About the moisture level: are you sure it is reading the right metric?
The value is always very low and has no decimals, unlike the temperature.


It matches what Z2M uses, what does the sensor read in a tub of water?

Also, this was developed for the _TZE284_aao3yzhs, on the _TZE284_aao3yzhs I have never seen anything other than whole numbers.

In a tube of water the sensor reads 89 - 91% moisture.
In the soil it reads between 5 - 12%.
This indicates it’s working. I was expecting a higher value but the key point is that it registers a difference.