ZHA TS130F shutter/curtain switch (zha quirks)

Hello all,
I am currently moving my iobroker zigbee installation to homeassistant. Unfortunately, my TS130f modules do not work with ZHA. They worked perfectly with iobroker.

The main problem is that the current position is overwritten after a few minutes. The current position is probably queried (with a get-command), which the device does not support and returns incorrect values.
A minor problem that does not limit the function is that the calibration time is not saved as an entity. After the calibration process has been completed, the calibration time is automatically transmitted once by the device.
A accurate description of the device can be found here (picture is different to my device) TuYa TS130F control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

Can someone help me to create a suitable zha_quirks?
Unfortunately, as a beginner, I can’t do it on my own and would of course do my best to test it.

My moduls in detail:
TS130F _TZ3210_dwytrmda (switchable by physical switches and zigbee)

Thanks a lot

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As we are in 2024 now I got the calibration done relatively easy, but only after reading several outdated posts. In my HA version 2024.5 the quirks was loaded automatically and after reading the Zigbee2mqtt explanation it was quite easy to do. TuYa TS130F control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT

Quirk: zhaquirks.tuya.ts130f.TuyaTS130FTI2

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