ZHA: Unable to find Lightify Devices


I installed HA a few days ago on my RPi 4/4GB and yesterday came my CC2531 dongle (Amazon.de).

ZHA automatically identified the stick and configured it without problems.

The xiaomi sensors (Mi Window & Door Opener, Mi Smart Switch, Mi Motion Sensor) are working fine, but the lightify devices didn’t show up in discovery nor in the logs of ZHA. It looks like as they were not “seen”. In regards to the documentations, problem threads etc, they should all be supported expect maybe the smart switch+. everyone which has issues with this devices, still sees them in discovery.

I tried the following devices:

  • Osram Smart+ Motion Sensor (AC01353010G)
  • Osram Smart Switch Mini (AC0251600NJ)
  • Osram Smart Plug (AB325700055)
  • Osram Led GU10 (spot)
  • Osram Lightify Downtable Light (spot)

does anyone have a suggestion or similar, what I can do, to get them working? I first tried the Lightify-addon, but this only supports the lights, but no motion sensor nor switch and I really like them.

regards Michael

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Are you factory resetting the devices when attempting to pair them?

Yes, connecting the switches for example within the hue bridged worked fine, but they won’t show up in the app afterwards and can’t be modified.