I have a Pi4 with a Conbee II running ZHA. There are 39 devices connected. When I restart HA, the zigbee devices become unavailable. I have to remove all the devices and reconnect them. I had found a thread about ModemManager being a problem as it prevented the zigbee stick from starting. The solution was to change a setting in Linux. However, I run Hassio and that is not an option. Any ideas?
This has become an issue again. I updated to 2021.1.2 and when I did, Zigbee network was non-responsive. I tried restarting a few times, unplugging a re-plugging the Conbee II, reloading the integration, and finally had to remove all entities and repair them all. I even updated the firmware on the Conbee II when everything was removed.
I can’t do this every time I upgrade or restart the system.
NUC 10
Conbee II (plugged into USB 3.0 with extension cable) running ZHA
AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 (plugged into USB 3.0 with extension cable) running standard zwave
Running 2021.1.2 on 5.10.
Integrations: Ecobee, Konnected, Mobile App, MyQ, Smartthings, Sonos, Zwave, ZHA
Addons: File Editor, Glances, Google Drive Backup