ZHA Visualization - Add ability to map devices over an image (floorplan)?

I don’t know how useful this would actually be, but I do feel like it would at least be a fun/nice to have. I’ve sort of hacked this together before with the existing visualization tool by changing the background image and then disabling physics and manually moving devices around on the map.

I just thought it might be a cool/fun feature to see. Where you could persistently map devices over an image like a floorplan so you can see the physical layout of your zigbee network vs the logical network layout.

For example, I have some Aqara temp sensors in a detached garage. I’ve gone through the effort of setting up a couple unused smart plugs out there to act as network boosters / routers…yet for some insane reason, the Aqara temp sensors are still connected to some random router devices in the middle of the house and are showing a terrible connection. Meanwhile all the other sensors in the detached garage are appropriately using router devices in that garage.

I think it would be nice to see on a map where edge devices are connected in relation to their physical position.

Hi Chad,

Aqara’s specifically don’t like to change what they are paired with.

Your idea, oi think what you are asking for, already exists.

If you go unto ZHA to add a device, there is a visualization tab on the top. There is something similar in Zigbee2MQTT add-on as well.

Yup, so the feature I’m suggesting would be an extension of the existing ZHA visualization feature.

My idea is to have the ability to apply a background image to the visualization tool that scales with zoom. You can then statically map nodes on the image and it remembers where those nodes are mapped in regard to the position of the background image.

For example, you could apply a floorplan as the background image.

This way you can place the nodes on the floorplan on their actual physical locations and you could see which routers and edge devices have bad routes or where you could physically place a new router device to help the mesh network.