ZHA wrong device type

I just got a HUSBZB1, it integrated fine, but when I try to add a device it keeps coming up as a wet/dry sensor.
binary_sensor.centralite_motion_sensor_a_6d6b7f0f_ias_zone, this sensor also shows up as a occupancy sensor
Can I change the “device type”?

(Latest HA, in Docker, Ubuntu 19.4, on a laptop)
I’m fairly new to HA, migrating from Smartthings

yes, change it in the customization section.

Sorry but where is the customization section. I need to change couple devices type

It depends…

Some people who have been around for a while use the customize section in their configuration.yaml.

But since you’re asking I assume you haven’t used it so you can go to “configuration” in the side panel and then find “customizations” toward the bottom of the list.

I’m with HA since long time. I’m using customize section in configuration.yaml to change thermostats icons according heat level or things like that. I didn’t know that via customize it was possible to change device type. I’ll try it. But is it possible to set a permanent change for those Sinopé dimmer and light via zha-device-handlers/zhaquirks ?

I really have no idea. That type of programming is beyond me.

Hi, I’ve done a PR that was merged in zha-device-handlers for light and dimmer. It should appear in next release to have those device to be recognized correctly as light and dimmer.

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From the manual:
