ZHA & Z-Wave unavailable after restarting HA

I just brought a HUSBZB-1, I had no problem configuring it and adding a Zigbee light bulb. I was doing some other configs and I restarted HA and now both ZHA & Z-Wave show as unavailable in the Entity Registry screen and I cannot seem to get them back online.

Is there a procedure for making sure everything works after restarting HA?

Thanks in advance for your help

OK I may have been a tad premature lol

I woke up this morning determined to figure out what was happening when I restarted HA. I did a restart and then this time I just left everything alone and within a couple of minutes my Zigbee bulb was back online and controllable.

When I think about it if I reboot my WinkHub2 it takes a while for everything to come back online.

Call it a classic “Newbie” error

Now I can remove a few lights from my WinkHub2 and add them to HA directly :slight_smile: