ZHA/Z2M - Control light color, hue, brightness with ERS dial

Hey, I’ve updated the Z2M script to actually listen for Z2M events now, thanks for the catch.

No gaurantees it works, looked at some other popular Z2M blueprints to get a sense of how to handle Z2M triggers, looks like it’s pretty chaotic.

If you could try it out and let me know, that’d be great!

Hey we made some progress here, but as you suspected still not quite right :slight_smile: . The automation is triggering at least now. I’ll do my best to include what I’m seeing, but I’m sure you might need something else. Let me know what I can provide to help. This isn’t necessarily all the same timeframe, but hopefully these messages will help with what is being sent/received. If you need something else, please let me know and I’ll try to get it for you.

MQTT Explorer Messages
{“level”:“info”,“message”:“MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob’, payload ‘{“action”:“rotate_right”,“action_rate”:null,“action_step_size”:null,“action_transition_time”:null,“battery”:71,“linkquality”:83,“operation_mode”:“event”,“voltage”:2800}’”}

{“level”:“info”,“message”:“MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob’, payload '{“action”:”",“action_rate”:null,“action_step_size”:null,“action_transition_time”:null,“battery”:71,“linkquality”:83,“operation_mode”:“event”,“voltage”:2800}’"}

{“level”:“info”,“message”:“MQTT publish: topic ‘zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob/action’, payload ‘rotate_right’”}


Zigbee2MQTT Logs
2023-08-17 08:54:14Received Zigbee message from 'SmartKnob', type 'raw', cluster 'genOnOff', data '{"data":[1,120,252,0],"type":"Buffer"}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0

Info 2023-08-17 08:54:14MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob', payload '{"action":"rotate_right","action_rate":null,"action_step_size":null,"action_transition_time":null,"battery":71,"linkquality":51,"operation_mode":"event","voltage":2800}'

Info 2023-08-17 08:54:14MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob', payload '{"action":"","action_rate":null,"action_step_size":null,"action_transition_time":null,"battery":71,"linkquality":51,"operation_mode":"event","voltage":2800}'

Info 2023-08-17 08:54:14MQTT publish: topic 'zigbee2mqtt/SmartKnob/action', payload 'rotate_right'

Debug 2023-08-17 08:54:15Received Zigbee message from 'SmartKnob', type 'raw', cluster 'genOnOff', data '{"data":[1,120,252,0],"type":"Buffer"}' from endpoint 1 with groupID 0

Cool. this will be very helpful, thanks!

So, I figured out where in my blueprint there’s a bug, has to do with how I’m attempting to grab the rotation distance.

That said, even if I fix it, the fact that these values are null on a rotation means the automation basically won’t do anything.


Do the payloads change if you put the device in a different COMMAND/EVENT mode (triple-click the center button quickly)?

Ni Nate, so I tested this a number of different ways, event vs command, dropping the device and re-adding it but those values are always null. I’m not sure if anyone else might have suggestions, but everything I’ve tried, those values are always null :frowning:

I found another blueprint that uses this device, going to steal their code, lol:

Hey, me again. I’ve updated the blueprint to use EVENT mode instead of COMMAND mode after looking at another blueprint that seemed to have luck with that.

Hopefully it works for you this time.

Thank you for the cool blueprint. I watched the youtube video and I like the knob work. But I have zigbee2mqtt and when automation is triggered an error appears

Stopped because an error was encountered at 1 veresnya 2023 p. o 17:59:06 (runtime: 0.01 seconds)
UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'to_state'

Tried different command and event modes without success.

1 Like

Hey @khrisperry , thanks for @genik 's help, I hope I figured it out now.

Hi, I have tried to use this blueprint to make an automation and I get the error:

Message malformed: Unknown entity registry entry dc2875e62569a54fbbe9bc9ba5c9613f

I can add automations manually but I cannot use the blueprint.

Is there anything I can try?


Did you solve it? :slight_smile:

I just tried this blueprint and I have the same error when trying to create the automation.
Did you managed to find a solution for this?
@nwithan8 , any idea what causes this error?

LE: nevermind, it seems that I found the problem (or at least the source of the problem and a workaround for it)
The problem was with the trigger using the device. So I changed the trigger to be an entity of the Knob and added another input in the blueprint to be able to set the name of the device (fridnely name in z2m - not very nice since is a free text, but still works).

I also changed the order of the modes (seems more natural this way):

  • Mode 3 for color loop
  • Mode 4 for Hue loop

Here is the code

# Instructions: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/zha-z2m-control-light-color-hue-brightness-with-ers-dial/595002

  name: ERS Rotary Dial - Light Control (Z2M) - COMMAND mode
  description: >
    Control light brightness, hue and color with an ERS rotary dial.
    Device needs to be in COMMAND mode (triple-press the button to switch modes).
    Needs "Home Assistant legacy entity attributes" checked.

  source_url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nwithan8/configs/main/home_assistant/blueprints/automations/ers_rotary_dial_light_control_z2m.yaml

  domain: automation

      name: Light
      description: The Light entity or Light Group entity to control
            - domain:
                - light
                - group
          multiple: false

      name: Rotary dial
      description: Select the rotary dial you wish to use to control the light
            domain: sensor
            integration: mqtt
      name: Knob 

      name: Mode tracker
      description: An input number helper to store the current mode in (1-4)
            domain: input_number

      name: Color tracker
      description: An input number helper to store the current RGB value in (0-1535)
            domain: input_number

      name: Hue tracker
      description: An input number helper to store the current hue in (2000-6500)
            domain: input_number

      name: Brightness tracker
      description: An input number helper to store the current brightness in (0-255)
            domain: input_number

# Queued, to ignore non-matched events but capture existing ones
mode: queued
max: 20
max_exceeded: silent

  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input dial
    not_to: ""
    attribute: action

  - variables:
      light: !input "light"
      dial: !input "dial"
      mode_tracker: !input "mode_tracker"
      hue_tracker: !input "hue_tracker"
      brightness_tracker: !input "brightness_tracker"
      color_tracker: !input "color_tracker"
      dial_topic: "zigbee2mqtt/{{ dial }}/action"
      # Ref: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/zigbee2mqtt-tuya-moes-smart-knob-ers-10tzbvk-aa/419989/26
      command: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"
      single_pressed: "{{ command == 'toggle' }}"
      double_pressed: "{{ command == 'hue_move' }}"
      rotated: "{{ command in ['brightness_step_up', 'brightness_step_down', 'color_temperature_step_up', 'color_temperature_step_down'] }}"
      positive: "{{ command in ['brightness_step_up', 'color_temperature_step_up'] }}"
      step_size: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.action_step_size }}"
      # How many steps to go full rotation (min 13 per step * 20 steps per full rotation)
      full_rotate_step_count: "{{ 13 * 20 | int }}"
      current_mode: "{{ states(mode_tracker) | int }}"
      min_mode: "{{ state_attr(mode_tracker, 'min') | int }}"
      max_mode: "{{ state_attr(mode_tracker, 'max') | int }}"
      # always increment, looping
      next_mode: >
        {% set val = current_mode + 1 %} 
        {% if val > max_mode %} 
          {% set val = min_mode %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ val | int }}
      min_hue: "{{ state_attr(hue_tracker, 'min') | int }}"
      max_hue: "{{ state_attr(hue_tracker, 'max') | int }}"
      # How many steps to go full min-max spectrum
      hue_steps: "{{ full_rotate_step_count * 2 | int }}"
      hue_delta: "{{ (step_size | float(0) / hue_steps) * (max_hue - min_hue) }}"
      # don't loop when reached max or min
      next_hue: >
        {%- set val = states(hue_tracker) | float(0) -%}
        {%- set delta = hue_delta -%}
        {%- if not positive -%}
          {%- set delta = delta * -1 -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- set val = val + delta | int -%}
        {%- if positive and val > max_hue -%}
          {%- set val = max_hue -%}
        {%- elif not positive and val < min_hue -%}
          {%- set val = min_hue -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {{ val | int }}
      min_brightness: "{{ state_attr(brightness_tracker, 'min') | int }}"
      max_brightness: "{{ state_attr(brightness_tracker, 'max') | int }}"
      # How many steps to go full min-max spectrum
      brightness_steps: "{{ full_rotate_step_count * 2 | int }}"
      brightness_delta: "{{ (step_size | float(0) / brightness_steps) * (max_brightness - min_brightness) }}"
      # don't loop when reached max or min
      next_brightness: >
        {%- set val = states(brightness_tracker) | float(0) -%}
        {%- set delta = brightness_delta -%}
        {%- if not positive -%}
          {%- set delta = delta * -1 -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- set val = val + delta | int -%}
        {%- if positive and val > max_brightness -%} 
          {%- set val = max_brightness -%}
        {%- elif not positive and val < min_brightness -%}
          {%- set val = min_brightness -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {{ val | int }}
      min_color: "{{ state_attr(color_tracker, 'min') | int }}"
      max_color: "{{ state_attr(color_tracker, 'max') | int }}"
      # How many steps to go full min-max spectrum
      color_steps: "{{ full_rotate_step_count * 3 | int }}"
      color_delta: "{{ (step_size | float(0) / color_steps) * (max_color - min_color) }}"
      # loop when reached max or min
      next_color: >
        {%- set val = states(color_tracker) | float(0) -%}
        {%- set delta = color_delta -%}
        {%- if not positive -%}
          {%- set delta = delta * -1 -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- set val = val + delta | int -%}
        {%- if positive and val > max_color -%}
          {%- set val = val % max_color -%}
        {%- elif not positive and val < min_color -%}
          {%- set diff = min_color - val -%}
          {%- set val = max_color - (diff % max_color) -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {{ val | int }}
  # Process current event
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ rotated }}"
            alias: Dial turned (0 for right, 1 for left)
          # Process different actions based on current mode
          - choose:
              # In Mode 1 (don't do anything; prevent accidental knob rotation)
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ current_mode == 1 }}"
                    alias: In Mode 1 (Power)
                sequence: [ ]
              # In Mode 2 (Brightness)
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ current_mode == 2 }}"
                    alias: In Mode 2 (Brightness)
                  - service: input_number.set_value
                    entity_id: !input brightness_tracker
                      value: "{{ next_brightness }}"
                    alias: Update brightness tracker
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      brightness: "{{ states(brightness_tracker) | int }}"
                      entity_id: !input light
                    alias: Change light brightness
              # In Mode 4 (Hue)
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ current_mode == 4 }}"
                    alias: In Mode 3 (Hue)
                  - service: input_number.set_value
                    entity_id: !input hue_tracker
                      value: "{{ next_hue }}"
                    alias: Update hue tracker
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      kelvin: "{{ states(hue_tracker) | int }}"
                      entity_id: !input light
                    alias: Change light hue
              # In Mode 3 (Color)
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ current_mode == 3 }}"
                    alias: In Mode 4 (Color)
                  - service: input_number.set_value
                    entity_id: !input color_tracker
                      value: "{{ next_color }}"
                    alias: Update color tracker
                  - service: light.turn_on
                      # Calculate RGB codes based on 0-1535 index (max 2 channels, one always off)
                      rgb_color: >
                        {%- set r = 0 -%}
                        {%- set g = 0 -%}
                        {%- set b = 0 -%}
                        {%- set index = states(color_tracker) | int -%}
                        {%- if index > 0 and index <= 256 -%}
                          {%- set r = 255 -%}
                          {%- set g = index -%}
                          {%- set b = 0 -%}
                        {%- elif index > 256 and index <= 512 -%}
                          {%- set r = 512 - index -%}
                          {%- set g = 255 -%}
                          {%- set b = 0 -%}
                        {%- elif index > 512 and index <= 768 -%}
                          {%- set r = 0 -%}
                          {%- set g = 255 -%}
                          {%- set b = index - 512 -%}
                        {%- elif index > 768 and index <= 1024 -%}
                          {%- set r = 0 -%}
                          {%- set g = 1024 - index -%}
                          {%- set b = 255 -%}
                        {%- elif index > 1024 and index <= 1280 -%}
                          {%- set r = index - 1024 -%}
                          {%- set g = 0 -%}
                          {%- set b = 255 -%}
                        {%- elif index > 1280 and index <= 1536 -%}
                          {%- set r = 255 -%}
                          {%- set g = 0 -%}
                          {%- set b = 1536 - index -%}
                        {%- endif -%}
                        {%- set r = r | string -%}
                        {%- set g = g | string -%}
                        {%- set b = b | string -%}
                        {{ r + "," + g + "," + b }}
                      entity_id: !input light
                    alias: Change light color
            alias: Determine action based on mode
      # If event was a dial button short push
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ single_pressed }}"
          # Change mode (cycling back if reached the end)
          - service: input_number.set_value
            entity_id: !input mode_tracker
              value: "{{ next_mode }}"
            alias: Switch to next mode
      # If event was a dial button long press
      - conditions:
          - condition: template
            value_template: "{{ double_pressed }}"
          # Toggle light power
          - service: light.toggle
            data: { }
              entity_id: !input light
            alias: Toggle light power

When using the blueprint I get the same error, I tried your blueprint with the edits but nothing seems to be working… any ideas how I can fix this, im using the rotary knob through Z2M

Update: Changed the knob naming field to the device name without using capital letters, this made the whole system work, I also changed the single press to toggle the lights and the hold function to switch modes, this makes more sense to my family members who will be using the controller, this prevents accidental mode switching.

1 Like

Yes unfortunately having the same issues regarding the unknown entity and can’t seem to work out a fix for it. Shame as the YT vid looked great.
Ah well, back to the drawing board.

Would you mind sharing your edited blueprint ?

I tried everything to my understanding but I can’t even get a trace on the automation which would help me to debug it. I tried to fix set the state of the knob action entity but it didn’t even work too. So I’m guessing the automation do not succeed to read the entity properly but I can’t understand why.

Here is my automation:

alias: test
description: ""
  path: nwithan8/ers_rotary_dial_light_control_z2m.yaml
    light: light.lb2_bedroom
    dial: sensor.klb_bedroom_action
    knob: klb-bedroom
    mode_tracker: input_number.dial_mode_tracker
    color_tracker: input_number.dial_color_tracker
    hue_tracker: input_number.dial_hue_tracker
    brightness_tracker: input_number.dial_brightness_tracker

The blueprint has been updated with @chelule code above.

Thank you to anyone willing to help, I’m a bit lost on this one.

Okay got it to work, I etited the behavior a little:

  • Added a “default profil” you can activate when rotating left while pressing the button 2000k and brightness 255.
  • Added the " color" profile you can activiate when rotating right while pressing the button, it will apply the settings you previously used with the knob.
  • After being inactive for 3 minutes (no knob activation for 3 minutes) the automation will reset to mode 2 which is brightness since it’s probably the most used
  • Switch color & hue so hue is now mode 4 and color 3
  • Switched to long press to switch between profile and short press in order to turn on & off

Everything should be working by now using the knob action entity.

  name: rotary
  description: >
    Control light brightness, hue and color with an ERS rotary dial.
    Device needs to be in COMMAND mode (triple-press the button to switch modes).
    Needs "Home Assistant legacy entity attributes" checked.

  source_url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nwithan8/configs/main/home_assistant/blueprints/automations/ers_rotary_dial_light_control_z2m.yaml

  domain: automation

      name: Light
      description: The Light entity or Light Group entity to control
            - domain:
                - light
                - group
          multiple: false

      name: Rotary dial
      description: Select the rotary dial you wish to use to control the light
            integration: mqtt

      name: Mode tracker
      description: An input number helper to store the current mode in (1-4)
            domain: input_number

      name: Color tracker
      description: An input number helper to store the current RGB value in (0-1535)
            domain: input_number

      name: Hue tracker
      description: An input number helper to store the current hue in (2000-6500)
            domain: input_number

      name: Brightness tracker
      description: An input number helper to store the current brightness in (0-255)
            domain: input_number

# Queued, to ignore non-matched events but capture existing ones
mode: queued
max: 20
max_exceeded: silent

  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input dial
    not_to: ""
  - platform: state
    entity_id: !input dial
    id: inactive
      minutes: 3
  - variables:
      light: !input "light"
      dial: !input "dial"
      mode_tracker: !input "mode_tracker"
      hue_tracker: !input "hue_tracker"
      brightness_tracker: !input "brightness_tracker"
      color_tracker: !input "color_tracker"
      dial_topic: "{{ base_topic }}/{{ device_attr(dial, 'name') }}/action"
      # Ref: https://community.home-assistant.io/t/zigbee2mqtt-tuya-moes-smart-knob-ers-10tzbvk-aa/419989/26
      command: "{{ trigger.to_state.state }}"
      single_pressed: "{{ command == 'toggle' }}"
      double_pressed: "{{ command == 'hue_move' }}"
      rotated: "{{ command in ['brightness_step_up', 'brightness_step_down']}}"
      positive: "{{ command in ['brightness_step_up'] }}"
      press_rotated_up: "{{ command in ['color_temperature_step_up'] }}"
      press_rotated_down: "{{ command in ['color_temperature_step_down'] }}"
      step_size: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.action_step_size }}"
      # How many steps to go full rotation (min 13 per step * 20 steps per full rotation)
      full_rotate_step_count: "{{ 13 * 20 | int }}"
      current_mode: "{{ states(mode_tracker) | int }}"
      min_mode: "{{ state_attr(mode_tracker, 'min') | int }}"
      max_mode: "{{ state_attr(mode_tracker, 'max') | int }}"
      # always increment, looping
      next_mode: >
        {% set val = current_mode + 1 %} 
        {% if val > max_mode %} 
          {% set val = min_mode %}
        {% endif %}
        {{ val | int }}
      min_hue: "{{ state_attr(hue_tracker, 'min') | int }}"
      max_hue: "{{ state_attr(hue_tracker, 'max') | int }}"
      # How many steps to go full min-max spectrum
      hue_steps: "{{ full_rotate_step_count * 2 | int }}"
      hue_delta: "{{ (step_size | float(0) / hue_steps) * (max_hue - min_hue) }}"
      # don't loop when reached max or min
      next_hue: >
        {%- set val = states(hue_tracker) | float(0) -%}
        {%- set delta = hue_delta -%}
        {%- if not positive -%}
          {%- set delta = delta * -1 -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- set val = val + delta | int -%}
        {%- if positive and val > max_hue -%}
          {%- set val = max_hue -%}
        {%- elif not positive and val < min_hue -%}
          {%- set val = min_hue -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {{ val | int }}
      min_brightness: "{{ state_attr(brightness_tracker, 'min') | int }}"
      max_brightness: "{{ state_attr(brightness_tracker, 'max') | int }}"
      # How many steps to go full min-max spectrum
      brightness_steps: "{{ full_rotate_step_count * 2 | int }}"
      brightness_delta: "{{ (step_size | float(0) / brightness_steps) * (max_brightness - min_brightness) }}"
      # don't loop when reached max or min
      next_brightness: >
        {%- set val = states(brightness_tracker) | float(0) -%}
        {%- set delta = brightness_delta -%}
        {%- if not positive -%}
          {%- set delta = delta * -1 -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- set val = val + delta | int -%}
        {%- if positive and val > max_brightness -%} 
          {%- set val = max_brightness -%}
        {%- elif not positive and val < min_brightness -%}
          {%- set val = min_brightness -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {{ val | int }}
      min_color: "{{ state_attr(color_tracker, 'min') | int }}"
      max_color: "{{ state_attr(color_tracker, 'max') | int }}"
      # How many steps to go full min-max spectrum
      color_steps: "{{ full_rotate_step_count * 3 | int }}"
      color_delta: "{{ (step_size | float(0) / color_steps) * (max_color - min_color) }}"
      # loop when reached max or min
      next_color: >
        {%- set val = states(color_tracker) | float(0) -%}
        {%- set delta = color_delta -%}
        {%- if not positive -%}
          {%- set delta = delta * -1 -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {%- set val = val + delta | int -%}
        {%- if positive and val > max_color -%}
          {%- set val = val % max_color -%}
        {%- elif not positive and val < min_color -%}
          {%- set diff = min_color - val -%}
          {%- set val = max_color - (diff % max_color) -%}
        {%- endif -%}
        {{ val | int }}
  # Process current event
  - choose:
      # Verify that the dial is the one that triggered the event
      - conditions:
          - "{{ trigger.payload != ''}}"
          #- "{{ trigger.topic == dial_topic }}"
          - choose:
              # If event was a dial turn
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ rotated }}"
                    alias: Dial turned (0 for right, 1 for left)
                  # Process different actions based on current mode
                  - choose:
                      # In Mode 1 (don't do anything; prevent accidental knob rotation)
                      - conditions:
                          - condition: template
                            value_template: "{{ current_mode == 1 }}"
                            alias: In Mode 1 (Power)
                        sequence: []
                      # In Mode 2 (Brightness)
                      - conditions:
                          - condition: template
                            value_template: "{{ current_mode == 2 }}"
                            alias: In Mode 2 (Brightness)
                          - service: input_number.set_value
                            entity_id: !input brightness_tracker
                              value: "{{ next_brightness }}"
                            alias: Update brightness tracker
                          - service: light.turn_on
                              brightness: "{{ states(brightness_tracker) | int }}"
                              entity_id: !input light
                            alias: Change light brightness

                      # In Mode 3 (Color)
                      - conditions:
                          - condition: template
                            value_template: "{{ current_mode == 3 }}"
                            alias: In Mode 3 (Color)
                          - service: input_number.set_value
                            entity_id: !input color_tracker
                              value: "{{ next_color }}"
                            alias: Update color tracker
                          - service: light.turn_on
                              # Calculate RGB codes based on 0-1535 index (max 2 channels, one always off)
                              rgb_color: >
                                {%- set r = 0 -%}
                                {%- set g = 0 -%}
                                {%- set b = 0 -%}
                                {%- set index = states(color_tracker) | int -%}
                                {%- if index > 0 and index <= 256 -%}
                                  {%- set r = 255 -%}
                                  {%- set g = index -%}
                                  {%- set b = 0 -%}
                                {%- elif index > 256 and index <= 512 -%}
                                  {%- set r = 512 - index -%}
                                  {%- set g = 255 -%}
                                  {%- set b = 0 -%}
                                {%- elif index > 512 and index <= 768 -%}
                                  {%- set r = 0 -%}
                                  {%- set g = 255 -%}
                                  {%- set b = index - 512 -%}
                                {%- elif index > 768 and index <= 1024 -%}
                                  {%- set r = 0 -%}
                                  {%- set g = 1024 - index -%}
                                  {%- set b = 255 -%}
                                {%- elif index > 1024 and index <= 1280 -%}
                                  {%- set r = index - 1024 -%}
                                  {%- set g = 0 -%}
                                  {%- set b = 255 -%}
                                {%- elif index > 1280 and index <= 1536 -%}
                                  {%- set r = 255 -%}
                                  {%- set g = 0 -%}
                                  {%- set b = 1536 - index -%}
                                {%- endif -%}
                                {%- set r = r | string -%}
                                {%- set g = g | string -%}
                                {%- set b = b | string -%}
                                {{ r + "," + g + "," + b }}
                              entity_id: !input light
                            alias: Change light color
                      # In Mode 4 (Hue)
                      - conditions:
                          - condition: template
                            value_template: "{{ current_mode == 4 }}"
                            alias: In Mode 4 (Hue)
                          - service: input_number.set_value
                            entity_id: !input hue_tracker
                              value: "{{ next_hue }}"
                            alias: Update hue tracker
                          - service: light.turn_on
                              kelvin: "{{ states(hue_tracker) | int }}"
                              entity_id: !input light
                            alias: Change light hue
                    alias: Determine action based on mode

              # If event was a dial button short push
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ double_pressed }}"
                  # Change mode (cycling back if reached the end)
                  - service: input_number.set_value
                    entity_id: !input mode_tracker
                      value: "{{ next_mode }}"
                    alias: Switch to next mode
              # If event was a dial button long press
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ single_pressed }}"
                  # Toggle light power
                  - service: light.toggle
                    data: {}
                      entity_id: !input light
                    alias: Toggle light power
              # If event was a dial button press + rotate right
              # Select customized light config
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ press_rotated_up }}"
                  # Toggle light power
                  - service: light.toggle
                      brightness: "{{ states(brightness_tracker) | int }}"
                      kelvin: "{{ states(hue_tracker) | int }}"
                      color: "{{ states(color_tracker) | int }}"
                      entity_id: !input light
                    alias: Toggle light power
              # If event was a dial button press + rotate left
              # Select default profile
              - conditions:
                  - condition: template
                    value_template: "{{ press_rotated_down }}"
                  # Toggle light power
                  - service: light.toggle
                      kelvin: 2000
                      brightness: 255
                      entity_id: !input light
                    alias: Toggle light power
              # Reset to state 1 if button inactive for 3 minutes
              - conditions:
                  condition: trigger
                  id: inactive
                  - service: input_number.set_value
                    entity_id: !input mode_tracker
                      value: "2"

I will probably make another blueprint from this one, thank for your work and inspiration.


Hi there, I’m getting this error. What am I missing? Sorry I’m a noob who only relies on youtube videos lol

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hi I tried your blueprint and all it does is on and off. What could be the problem?