ZHA Zigbee HUSBZB-1: GoControl Mac OSX configuration

Thanks @jonathanweinberg, I appreciate the offer. I shipped a dongle off to the Silabs firmware engineer team. They confirmed the behavior with their current drivers and are investigating a fix. Crossing my fingers that I don’t have to manage a second OS anymore!

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Definitely interested to see what happens!

Any update by chance? I’m interested in moving away from hubs and going with this directly, but wanted to check to see if you had any luck here first.

Hi @ammdc7,
So I have been working with SilconLabs for awhile now. We are at the point where the USB stick shows two discount devices. I don’t believe the current changes have been put in the most recent driver update they have released. Zigbee is working great, however, the issue I am facing with z-wave is either the openzwave is not compatible with the latest MacOS or there is a communication problem with the driver to the zwave serial port.

In the meantime I was using Virtualbox with a linux guest OS which then started to have USB connection issues with the latest OS update causing Hass to no longer see the the zigbee stick.

Needing both zigbee and z-wave I have since moved to a raspberryPi creating an inexpensive consolidated hub for Hass (not using the Hass.io). I am continuing to work with SIlconLabs to hopefully have all services within a single server.

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Thank you for the update. I will look forward toward the release of new driver update.

I appreciate your time and look to implement the HUSBZB-1 in the near future for my Zigbee lights.

Thanks again!

Would running USB over IP from the RPi+HUSBZB to your Mac help at all?

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Just as a follow-up, I was able to set up and use the stick and the ZHA component on macOS 10.11 with the 5.03 without that any issues.

Thanks for the update!

Are you using anything on the z-wave half of the husbz-1?

Glad to see SilLabs got the updated driver out. I haven’t tried switching back to MacOS since moving to raspberry pi. I am once again seeing issues with zigbee communication dropping out as I did with the Linux virtual machine setup hosted on MacOS before I started working with SilLabs to support the stick in Mac. Have any of you been experiencing a cut off of communication to your zigbee devices after a period of time (hours or couple of days)? A restart of HomeAssistant software has brought everything back online when they stopped responding to the system.

I haven’t tested with any Z-Wave devices yet, but I installed the HomeAssistant ZWave component with OpenZWave and pointed it at the tty (tty.GoControl_zwave) and it loaded without any issues.

I can call the services as well (zwave.test_network, zwave_heal_network, etc) as well without any issues.

I only have a few Sengfeld lights so far and I have seen a cut off of in communication. I will send a command to turn no a light and nothing will happen. If I turn off the light and then turn it back on a second time I will see a log entry for “device has joined the network” and the device will then respond normally for a time.

Another update, I got a few Z-Wave devices and was able to add them without any issue, once again on Mac OS X 10.11 with the 5.03 SiLabs driver.

I did have to change the HA config to:

  usb_path: /dev/cu.GoControl_zwave

After that change, the network started quickly and add_nodes worked without any issues.


I was playing around with this last night in hope of once again consolidating my servers to one machine. Happy to see SilLabs took my suggestion for port naming, so much easier to identify them. I never thought of using the cu prefix for zwave, I don’t know the technical aspects between cu and tty. But it works!

For those looking for the HUSBZB-1 drivers they can be found at SilLabs VCP download page.

Once step closer.

@walt, do you happen to have bluetooth device tracking working? I had problems with pybluez the last time I attempted and I don’t have in my notes if I successfully got to to work. This time around the installation seems to be a breeze for it but HA hangs during start up when the bluetooth tracker is enabled.

Running the pyBluez example command to search for BT devices outside of HA for the software returns items. Not sure why it hangs during startup, I couldn’t find any more information buying the logs up in verbosity.

Thanks again @walt for sharing your experience here.

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Glad to hear it’s working for you as well. I have been very happy with the adapter so far- my zigbee reliability has been rock solid after adding a few more devices.

I haven’t used pybluez. I did try to install it tonight but kept getting errors from clang on the pip install that looked like the underlying libraries had changed. That was on 10.11 with Python 3.6.

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Funny that we all seem to be working on exactly the same projects and integrations at the same time!

I too am unable to get pybluez to install on 10.11. I also run into clang issues so something has changed and I haven’t dug enough to understand what just yet.

If I do get pybluez running, I will let y’all know. In the mean time, I have actually considered grabbing a pre-baked bluetooth discovery app and having it call a curl from applescript. I haven’t gotten to that point yet, but I might…

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I moved over some Hue bulbs to this adapter to get a better Zigbee mesh – all working perfectly.

Manually switched on lights status is not being updated on my Home assistant dashboard with this Zigbee HUSBZB-1. Is this working in your setup?.

No, it’s a limitation between Home Assistant and bellows. There is some discussion on the bellows project and few feature requests for Home Assistant.

I’m working on some code now in Node Red that queries the zigbee.db sqlite database and then uses the bellows CLI to query the lights and update the status in Home Assistant.

Hey guys, I’ve started putting together a setup tutorial for MacOS. Let me know if you have any tips or comments regarding setup, security, additional software.

Rough Draft


Looks great @moralmunky, you can add " Apple TV 3+ (or always on iPad) is required for home bridge access outside of your home network. "

Who is the audience? For the non-technical folk, would ditching the python virtual environment and reverse proxy with Server.app make it more accessible?

Finally, why not use homebrew to make installing python and node.js easier? We could probably come up with a little script/gist to automate most of it.