Anyone else notice or having an issue with ZHA not working after a period of time? I have a HUSBZB-1 zigbee stick that I have connected to 4 Visconic MCT-340E door sensors that had been working flawlessly. I recently upgrade to HA 0.61.1 and noticed that after first restart they all work as they should but it seems after a while, (not sure how long though) they stop responding. They no longer report open/closed and subsequently my automation’s aren’t working. If I restart they will work/report again but then stop.
Any thoughts/ideas why this would happen? The only thing I see in the logs are related to zigbee is -> " WARNING (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Unexpected message send notification"
I’m getting the same problem now. My error log is full of “Updating zha sensor took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:30” and “Unexpected message send notification” that pops up 2-3 times a minute. I’m unable to control any zigbee devices as well. If I reset HA, the bulbs work again for a bit, but then this same error pops up.
Just wanted to let you guys know that I have been having this same issue, and I believe I fixed it today.
Not only did it seem to fix the Zigbee drop issue, but my automations seem to be triggering quite a bit faster as well and my log file is finally pretty stable looking.
I was combing through the tons of errors that I was getting in my logs and the most prevalent was the “out of sync” error. After doing a bit of research on this I can across quite a few posts stating the same thing and a good deal of the users were also reporting issues with ZHA failing, and restarting HASS was the only way to get them back.
One of the users suggested disabling Discovery. Go into your configuration.yaml and simply hash out the entry for “discovery:”, then restart HASS.
Thanks, @Bill_Surowiecki. That may be related. I think we nailed down the issue here: It relates to some changes with async causing devices to become unresponsive. A fix is still in the works. If that’s not it, I’ll try your solution as well.