I’m using ZHA with ZigPy, i hope i’m in the good category !
I bought a Tuya thermostatic valve (TS0601) and I would like to pair it with my Pizigate, but it doesn’t work very well…
The pair is ok, but i can’t read anything, and ZigPy doesn’t create any entity.
Target temp seem to not work too. Something is not correct about the update of the climate card. When new target temp is choosen it took some minutes for the card to be updated even if TRV is updated.
The battery doesn’t work on my TS0601 too.
And your method is good, but it depends of each installation.
I have a raspberrypi with raspbian + docker-compose and a lot of containers (including portainer, to manage them):
I have errors and i have to edit: /usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant\core\components\zha\manifest.json to update versions
Have a nice day !!
Something is not correct about the update of the climate card. When new target temp is choosen it took some minutes for the card to be updated even if TRV is updated.
Yes I have a lot of bugs too, but it works
I added a xiaomi temperature sensor to see:
On my side it’s not working. I have updated the zhaquirks folder but when i try to integrate the TRV I don’t have any entity
I’m running HA in a VM (with ProxMox), so I don’t know if everything is similar. It’s look like the zhaquirks folder is not taking in account when zha detect the TRV.
Enable logging in HA : “zhaquirks.tuya: debug”, remove the device, and post the log here when you pair the valve. I can’t help you without the log.
You should have something like that:
So I think that the wrong quirks is chosen by HA… It’s not an eletric heating device… Maybe I need to add only the needed quirks and not all. I’m completely lost in this integration, all other one was so simple
I have a similar issue with my Aqara Cube, which is not recognized correctly. I think that my quirks is not taking in account at all.
It’s a bug because the quirk is selected with the manufacturer.
Remove the “zhaquirks” folder, paste a clean zhaquirks downloaded from github (or remove _pycache from existing folder)
And delete "tuya/electric_heating.py"
And restart.
Normaly, it works
Et voilà, it’s working well ! I just see that the files are back when I restart the docker container, so I have remove the file electric_heating.py and add the thermostat again.
For your information, i just switched to Zigbee2MQTT this afternoon to try it.
It’s really better.
For exemple, i have a lot of informations about the valve:
Look awsome and promising for ZHA. I already saw that zigbee2MQTT seem more reactive than ZHA but ZHA have the advantage to be already included to HA and i dont feel the need to add another layer to those valves for now. Iam hopping that its a matter of weeks to see ZHA fill the gab for that hardware.
Hi all, Please help me with configuring the MOES valves to HA using ZHA integration. This thread is the most promissing I’ve found. I was trying to follow the steps, but I dont know how to access to other folders except the config one. I use RPi 4 just installed with hass and the sonoff ZB bridge flashed with Tasmota. Thanks you for being patient with me.
I see this issue with the TS0601 thermostat and Zigbee ZHA although I just upgraded to the latest Home Assistant. Shouldn’t the zhaquirks somewhen land in Home Assistant?
Since some links above are dead, which is the correct zhaquirks file?