Zig-a-zig-ah! CC2652R vs Slaesh's CC2652RB


I would like to ask a question or, let say, share my experience about zigbee usb sticks.
I am running HA Core on Raspberry Pi 3b+ and I use zigbee2mqtt as zigbee integration via USB stick Electrolama zig-a-zig-ah! based on CC2652R chip.
For long time ago, everything was just fine until lately when I add two Xiaomi GWRJN5169 OpenLumi Lumi Router (JN5169).
Zigbee network become slow, but not all, just Xiaomi battery operated sensors, like door/window, PIR, buttons. Slowness was sometimes bigger, sometime less, some time even lose event (button press i.e.).
I tried everything, every config trick, I even move my wireless APs to another channel and nothing helps.
Then, I replace coordinator USB stick with Slaesh’s CC2652RB stick and all problems gone, zigbee network is fast again.
Just to be mentioned, both sticks are flashed with the latest version of coordinator firmware, 20210708.
Here come the question, is CC2652RB that much better than CC2652R, or something others happened when I replace adapters.
I am too afraid to switch the sticks again, because now everything works excellent.

Edit: Even the network map looks the same… but now works.

Looks like It’s another problem:

After searching on Github root problem with CH341 driver in Linux kernel


For Ubuntu it has been solved in new version 20.10

Thanks, in the mean time I figured out this too.