Looking for some pointers on how to interpret the log and resolve this issue.
I have a Moes (Tuya?) Star Ring 2 gang dimmer
Controlling each of the gangs individually works fine.
However, if I create a ‘Group’ helper within HA (n.b. not a Zigbee Group) then often only a single gang of the dimmer will respond (about 10% of the time both will correctly respond to the commands)
The same happens if I do an automation to switch both gangs on individually…however, if I insert a 30ms delay in-between the two commands it works with 100% reliability (any less than 30ms doesn’t work)
Is this normal for a device to not respond when multiple commands sent in quick succession? Is there a way to configure ZHA to perhaps have a small delay between firing comamnds? (to a single device or all devices)
The status of the 2 gangs in the HA UI shows what the status of the 2 gangs should be (i.e. one of the lights on/off status is incorrect)
I have taken a debug (link below) of turning both gangs on using a HA group (only the 2nd gang actually switched on in this example - Endpoint2. Endpoint1 stayed off although the UI said it was on)
Core 2023.11.3 (running HAOS as a VM in Proxmox)
Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Plus passed directly through to HAOS
~5m lineof site between my co-ordinator and the dimmer
67 devices (~50% are routers)
Debug Log link https://pastebin.com/d3XfurU4
Thanks for any pointers