
I feel like I am going in circles.
New 4th Gen Echo device with Zigbee
ThirdReality plugs with power mon
Zigbee adapter for Pi-5

So I can get the plugs to work in the Alexa env or the Zigbee env but not both, I tried to add the Alexa Zigbee to Thread to try that but nothing. NO credentials or something…

I guess the question is, is there anyway (work around) to expose my ThirdReality plugs to HA? And if so, will I get all the power monitoring as well? Or am I stuck with turning on the light via HA and not voice via ALEXA?

Thanks in advance, I tried to read around to see if this has been answered, maybe so maybe not…


You can’t add zigbee devices to two different coordinators at the same time.

You also can’t expose Alexa controlled devices to HA. You can only expose HA controlled devices to Alexa thru HA Cloud or or a third party service such as HAASKA.

then once the HA devices are exposed to Alexa you can use Alexa voice to control the devices within HA.

Thanks for the quick reply, yea not looking to spend 6-7$ a month for something in theory that already works… will keep playing with it… a simple work around I have thought of is to plug the Zigbee plug into the Alexa plug to get the perks of power monitoring… not idea but an idea…

