Hi i have at setup with Home Assistant Zigbee2mqtt (Channel 11) one Zigbee Philips hue bridge inside light (Channel 11) , one Zigbee Philips Hue bridge outside light (Channel 25) .
Do i have to spred the Zigbee channels out or is it ok to run them all on same channel (11) .
Reason : getting rid of interferrence Zigbee, Zigbee and Wifi.
In general it would be thw preferred solution to only have one zigbee mesh instead of the three you have now. Is there a specific reason why you have three spearate meshes?
I have a Samsung SmartThings Hub but nevet tried it out on HA.
My plan was to have at good stabel responsive Zigbee network therefore i went with the usb stick in HA.
If i get a Conbee 2 is there a way to change the adapter wit out loosing connection ?
Do i have to start all over or can i just reconnect devises to the Conbee 2 , i have some automations.