Zigbee Bridge erro messages

I tomostized a Sonof Zigbee bridge and it was working until few day ago. But now I have this message of erros:
18:54:20 ZIG: Resetting EZSP device
18:54:21 RSL: tele/tasmota_DC067C/RESULT = {“ZbState”:{“Status”:1,“Message”:“EFR32 booted”,“RestartReason”:“Power-on”,“Code”:2}}
18:54:21 ZIG: specific frame_control 0xFF80
18:54:21 RSL: tele/tasmota_DC067C/RESULT = {“ZbState”:{“Status”:55,“Version”:“”,“Protocol”:0,“Stack”:0}}
18:54:21 RSL: tele/tasmota_DC067C/RESULT = {“ZbState”:{“Status”:98,“Message”:“Only EZSP protocol v8 is currently supported”}}
18:54:21 RSL: tele/tasmota_DC067C/RESULT = {“ZbState”:{“Status”:99,“Message”:“Abort”}}
18:54:21 ZIG: Abort
18:54:21 ZIG: Stopping (99)

Some has the same problem?


I did a full re-instalation and it is workin now