ZigBee cc2531 issues showing voltage and battery level

Hi guys, first post please go easy.

Have caught the IOT bug hard. And have a pretty good HA setup going centered around an odroid XU4. Recently got a cc2531 setup with zha and added a few IKEA tradfri motion sensors, and a bitzwolf one. Great, all working nicely and IKEA ones giving a realistic voltage and battery level.

Then I got the IKEA 5 button remote. Added fine to zha but at the time I didn’t know about the blueprints available for it. And assumed it wasn’t working due to z-stack 1.2.it. I thus upgraded to 3.0 using a raspberry pi.

I also found the blueprints available for the 5 button remote about this time and have set it up and working with the remote. I have now however lost all battery values and the voltages for the devices show 0.

My questions are:

  1. Will the 5 button remote work with z-stack 1.2 if I roll back the firmware on the cc2531 and use the blueprint for automations.

  2. Have I done something to stop the battery details being accurately passed through. When I re paired the devices should I have deleted something in the config first?

Thanks all. Appreciate the help if you can.