Zigbee completely dead, fresh install, 2 different usb sticks

I had a power outage at the weekend which caused my sd card to become corrupt, not the first time but oh well. No problem, I thought, I’ll just create a card, restore my snapshot and all will be well, done this multiple times in the past, never a problem. I’m running on a Pi 4

Unfortunately, after doing this everything came up except my zigbee network. All devices were unavailable. I tried everything, old versions of the core and os, different snapshots, the works. Eventually I just gave up trying to get the existing zigbee network going and decided I’d just re-add everything. Having now done this, I cannot get any devices to add at all. Fearing for my Bitron Video stick I have also now tried a Telegesis stick that I used to use and that won’t even connect!

As a last resort I’ve created a brand new install of 5.12, not restored anything and I still can’t get anything out of either of my zigbee usb sticks!

I found this issue but it might not be relevant as I’ve tried old versions too:

Can someone please take a look at my logs and see what on earth might be going on?

The relevant lines when I try and add the telegesis stick (my bitronvideo stick gives similar) are:

2021-03-03 14:32:23 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy_znp.zigbee.application] Failed to probe ZNP radio with config {'path': '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0', 'baudrate': 115200, 'flow_control': None}
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/application.py", line 167, in probe
    await znp.connect()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_znp/api.py", line 234, in connect
    self._version = await self.request(c.SYS.Version.Req())
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_znp/api.py", line 507, in request
    response = await response_future

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_znp/zigbee/application.py", line 167, in probe
    await znp.connect()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/async_timeout/__init__.py", line 55, in __aexit__
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/async_timeout/__init__.py", line 92, in _do_exit
    raise asyncio.TimeoutError
2021-03-03 14:32:23 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_znp.uart] Closing serial port
2021-03-03 14:32:23 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_znp.api] We were disconnected from /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0: None
2021-03-03 14:32:23 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Resetting EZSP
2021-03-03 14:32:26 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Unsuccessful radio probe of '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0' port
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bellows/ezsp/__init__.py", line 55, in probe
    await asyncio.wait_for(ezsp._probe(), timeout=PROBE_TIMEOUT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for
    raise exceptions.TimeoutError()
2021-03-03 14:32:26 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_deconz.api] Command Command.device_state (0, 0, 0)
2021-03-03 14:32:28 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy_deconz.api] No response to 'Command.device_state' command with seq id '0x02'
2021-03-03 14:32:28 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_deconz.api] Unsuccessful radio probe of '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0' port
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_deconz/api.py", line 380, in probe
    await asyncio.wait_for(api._probe(), timeout=PROBE_TIMEOUT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 494, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_deconz/api.py", line 396, in _probe
    await self.device_state()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_deconz/api.py", line 305, in _command
    return await asyncio.wait_for(fut, timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for
    raise exceptions.TimeoutError()
2021-03-03 14:32:28 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_cc.uart] Connecting on port /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0 with boudrate 115200
2021-03-03 14:32:28 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_cc.uart] Connection made
2021-03-03 14:32:29 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_cc.api] --> SREQ SYS version tsn: None {}
2021-03-03 14:32:29 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_cc.uart] Send: b'\xfe\x00!\x02#'
2021-03-03 14:32:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_cc.api] Unsuccessful radio probe of '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0' port
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_cc/api.py", line 279, in probe
    await asyncio.wait_for(api._probe(), timeout=COMMAND_TIMEOUT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for
    raise exceptions.TimeoutError()
2021-03-03 14:32:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.uart] Connection made
2021-03-03 14:32:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.uart] Send: 0x0002 b'01'
2021-03-03 14:32:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.uart] Frame to send: b'\x00\x02\x00\x01\x02\x01'
2021-03-03 14:32:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.uart] Frame escaped: b'\x02\x10\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x11\x02\x12\x02\x11'
2021-03-03 14:32:31 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.api] No response to command 0x0002
2021-03-03 14:32:31 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.api] Retry command 0x0002
2021-03-03 14:32:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.uart] Send: 0x0002 b'01'
2021-03-03 14:32:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.uart] Frame to send: b'\x00\x02\x00\x01\x02\x01'
2021-03-03 14:32:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.uart] Frame escaped: b'\x02\x10\x02\x12\x02\x10\x02\x11\x02\x12\x02\x11'
2021-03-03 14:32:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_zigate.api] Unsuccessful radio probe of '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0' port
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_zigate/api.py", line 258, in probe
    await asyncio.wait_for(api._probe(), timeout=PROBE_TIMEOUT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for
    raise exceptions.TimeoutError()
2021-03-03 14:32:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] at command: AP (2,)
2021-03-03 14:32:33 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command at (b'AP', b'\x02')
2021-03-03 14:32:34 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] at: No response to AP command
2021-03-03 14:32:35 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy_cc.api] No response for: SRSP SYS version {}
2021-03-03 14:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:32:37 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 57600bps, trying 1200 next
2021-03-03 14:32:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:32:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 1200bps, trying 2400 next
2021-03-03 14:32:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:32:43 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 2400bps, trying 4800 next
2021-03-03 14:32:47 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:32:47 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 4800bps, trying 9600 next
2021-03-03 14:32:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:32:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 9600bps, trying 19200 next
2021-03-03 14:32:53 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:32:53 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 19200bps, trying 38400 next
2021-03-03 14:32:56 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:32:56 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 38400bps, trying 57600 next
2021-03-03 14:32:59 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:32:59 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 57600bps, trying 115200 next
2021-03-03 14:33:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:33:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Failed to enter AT command mode at 115200bps, trying 230400 next
2021-03-03 14:33:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Command mode no response to AT '+++' command
2021-03-03 14:33:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Couldn't enter AT command mode at any known baudrate.Configure XBee manually for escaped API mode ATAP2
2021-03-03 14:33:06 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy_xbee.api] Unsuccessful radio probe of '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0' port
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_xbee/api.py", line 597, in _probe
    await self._at_command("AP", 2)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_xbee/api.py", line 385, in _at_partial
    return await asyncio.wait_for(
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for
    raise exceptions.TimeoutError()

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_xbee/api.py", line 579, in probe
    await asyncio.wait_for(api._probe(), timeout=PROBE_TIMEOUT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 494, in wait_for
    return fut.result()
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/zigpy_xbee/api.py", line 600, in _probe
    raise APIException("Failed to configure XBee for API mode")
zigpy.exceptions.APIException: Failed to configure XBee for API mode
2021-03-03 14:33:12 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Resetting EZSP
2021-03-03 14:33:15 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Unsuccessful radio probe of '/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0' port
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/bellows/ezsp/__init__.py", line 55, in probe
    await asyncio.wait_for(ezsp._probe(), timeout=PROBE_TIMEOUT)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/asyncio/tasks.py", line 501, in wait_for
    raise exceptions.TimeoutError()


Looks like you are trying to use the zwave port and not the zigbee port?

Are you sure your USB ports are still functioning?

I’m a little confused. I do have a z-wave stick but have tried this without it plugged in with exactly the same result. I pick /dev/ttyUSB0 in the dropdown and you can see from the logs it actually attempts the connection with ‘/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0’ and with my Bitron Video stick: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_BV_2010_10_013827BA-if00-port0

I can’t see any reference to zwave in the log I posted, where can you see this?

Dmesg shows the stick being plugged in. I’m actually booting from a usb connected SSD so I’m fairly sure they are ok

I’ve tried this now booting from an SD so the telegesis stick is the only usb thing plugged in, still getting the same issue. Next step, I have a pi 3b that I can try to make sure the usb ports aren’t the issue

1 Like

Yeah outside of that I am unsure what is going on.

Sorry, I missed you were on Telegesis – if00-port0 for the popular HUSBZB-1 is the z-wave port on the stick.

You have used the stick before and it’s flashed with the right firmware?

Do you have any other system with Python 3.9 or higher where you can install bellows?

pip3 install bellows
export EZSP_DEVICE=/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_Telegesis_USB_Device_04000BC2-if00-port0
bellows info

That will verify the radio library can initialize and talk to the stick.

I was using the telegesis stick for a few years but changed to the bitronvideo one as the signal range seemed better, that might have been with openhab though, I’m not sure if I ever used the telegesis with home assistant.

The bellows info command times out on the Telegesis stick but seems to work ok for the BitronVideo stick. I tried swapping the usb ports on the two as well but no change.

Ok, so back to an old version of hass (5.5) and an old version of core (0.114.4) on my Bitron stick and while it wouldn’t restore my old items, it will add new ones. On the latest release (5.12) and the same core version it will no longer add. Logs:

2021-03-04 10:09:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.appdb] Loading application state from /config/zigbee.db
2021-03-04 10:09:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Checking quirks for None None (00:0d:6f:00:0d:c5:61:2e)
2021-03-04 10:09:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Considering <class 'bellows.zigbee.application.EZSPCoordinator'>
2021-03-04 10:09:03 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.quirks.registry] Found custom device replacement for 00:0d:6f:00:0d:c5:61:2e: <class 'bellows.zigbee.application.EZSPCoordinator'>
2021-03-04 10:09:04 INFO (MainThread) [zigpy.ota.provider] Trådfri: OTA provider enabled
2021-03-04 10:09:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.ota.provider] Trådfri: Finished downloading firmware update list
2021-03-04 10:09:08 WARNING (MainThread) [zigpy.util] Error calling listener: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
2021-03-04 10:09:08 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Resetting EZSP
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command version: (4,)
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 0 (version) received: b'04020058'
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] EZSP Stack Type: 2, Stack Version: 22528
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_MAX_END_DEVICE_CHILDREN: 17>, 32)
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_STACK_PROFILE: 12>, 2)
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_SECURITY_LEVEL: 13>, 5)
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_APPLICATION_ZDO_FLAGS: 42>, 3)
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_ADDRESS_TABLE_SIZE: 5>, 16)
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_INDIRECT_TRANSMISSION_TIMEOUT: 18>, 7680)
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_MULTICAST_TABLE_SIZE: 6>, 16)
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:09 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_SOURCE_ROUTE_TABLE_SIZE: 26>, 16)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_PAN_ID_CONFLICT_REPORT_THRESHOLD: 34>, 2)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_TRUST_CENTER_ADDRESS_CACHE_SIZE: 25>, 2)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_KEY_TABLE_SIZE: 30>, 4)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_SUPPORTED_NETWORKS: 45>, 1)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT: 19>, 60)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_END_DEVICE_POLL_TIMEOUT_SHIFT: 27>, 8)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_PACKET_BUFFER_COUNT: 1>, 255)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 83 (setConfigurationValue) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_APS_UNICAST_MESSAGE_COUNT: 3>,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 82 (getConfigurationValue) received: b'000a00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] APS_UNICAST_MESSAGE_COUNT is set to 10
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command addEndpoint: (1, 260, 48879, 0, 0, 1, [], [1280])
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 2 (addEndpoint) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Ezsp adding endpoint: [<EzspStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setConcentrator: (False, <EmberConcentratorType.HIGH_RAM_CONCENTRATOR: 65529>, 600, 1800, 2, 5, 0)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 16 (setConcentrator) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Set concentrator type: [<EmberStatus.SUCCESS: 0>]
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command networkInit: ()
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 23 (networkInit) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 25 (stackStatusHandler) received: b'90'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getNetworkParameters: ()
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 40 (getNetworkParameters) received: b'00012607a54d984cccd936d4ff0b0000000000f8ff07'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setPolicy: (<EzspPolicyId.TC_KEY_REQUEST_POLICY: 5>, <EzspDecisionId.GENERATE_NEW_TC_LINK_KEY: 82>)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 85 (setPolicy) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setPolicy: (<EzspPolicyId.APP_KEY_REQUEST_POLICY: 6>, <EzspDecisionId.ALLOW_APP_KEY_REQUESTS: 97>)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 85 (setPolicy) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command setPolicy: (<EzspPolicyId.TRUST_CENTER_POLICY: 0>, <EzspDecisionId.ALLOW_PRECONFIGURED_KEY_JOINS: 1>)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 85 (setPolicy) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getNodeId: ()
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 39 (getNodeId) received: b'0000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getEui64: ()
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 38 (getEui64) received: b'2e61c50d006f0d00'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 INFO (MainThread) [zigpy.application] Device 0x0000 (00:0d:6f:00:0d:c5:61:2e) joined the network
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [zigpy.application] Skip initialization for existing device 00:0d:6f:00:0d:c5:61:2e
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] EZSP nwk=0x0000, IEEE=00:0d:6f:00:0d:c5:61:2e
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getConfigurationValue: (<EzspConfigId.CONFIG_MULTICAST_TABLE_SIZE: 6>,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.zigbee.application] Starting EZSP watchdog
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 82 (getConfigurationValue) received: b'001000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (0,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (1,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (2,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (3,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (4,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (5,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (6,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (7,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (8,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (9,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (10,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (11,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (12,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (13,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (14,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command getMulticastTableEntry: (15,)
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 99 (getMulticastTableEntry) received: b'00000000'
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.gateway] [0x0000](Silicon Labs EZSP) restored as 'unavailable', last seen: not known
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.gateway] Loading battery powered devices
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.gateway] Loading mains powered devices
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.device] [0x0000](EZSP): started initialization
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.channels.base] [0x0000:ZDO](EZSP): 'async_initialize' stage succeeded
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.device] [0x0000](EZSP): power source: Mains
2021-03-04 10:09:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zha.core.device] [0x0000](EZSP): completed initialization
2021-03-04 10:09:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:09:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:09:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:09:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:09:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:09:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:09:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:09:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:10:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:10:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:10:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:10:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:10:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:10:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:10:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:10:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:10:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:10:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:10:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:10:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:10:56 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command permitJoining: (60,)
2021-03-04 10:10:56 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'5677218a6872e87e'
2021-03-04 10:10:56 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'6677a18a54b2837e'
2021-03-04 10:10:56 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'87009f7e'
2021-03-04 10:10:56 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 34 (permitJoining) received: b'00'
2021-03-04 10:11:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:11:00 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'677421add9677e'
2021-03-04 10:11:00 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'7774a1add9587e'
2021-03-04 10:11:00 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'8070787e'
2021-03-04 10:11:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:11:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:11:10 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'707521ada4dd7e'
2021-03-04 10:11:10 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'0075a1adfd307e'
2021-03-04 10:11:10 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'8160597e'
2021-03-04 10:11:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:11:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:11:20 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'017a21adbc2d7e'
2021-03-04 10:11:20 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'117aa1adbc127e'
2021-03-04 10:11:20 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'82503a7e'
2021-03-04 10:11:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:11:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:11:30 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'127b21ad0b667e'
2021-03-04 10:11:30 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'227ba1ad3c177e'
2021-03-04 10:11:30 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'83401b7e'
2021-03-04 10:11:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:11:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:11:40 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'237821ad086b7e'
2021-03-04 10:11:40 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'3378a1ad08547e'
2021-03-04 10:11:40 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'8430fc7e'
2021-03-04 10:11:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:11:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:11:50 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'347921ad75d17e'
2021-03-04 10:11:50 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'4479a1ad2c3c7e'
2021-03-04 10:11:50 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'8520dd7e'
2021-03-04 10:11:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:12:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:12:00 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'457d5e21adc4807e'
2021-03-04 10:12:00 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'557ea1adc4bf7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:00 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'8610be7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:12:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:12:10 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'567f21ad73cb7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:10 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'667fa1ad44ba7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:10 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'87009f7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:12:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:12:20 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'677c21ad70c67e'
2021-03-04 10:12:20 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'777ca1ad70f97e'
2021-03-04 10:12:20 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'8070787e'
2021-03-04 10:12:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:12:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:12:30 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'707d5d21ad0d7c7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:30 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'007da1ad54917e'
2021-03-04 10:12:30 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'8160597e'
2021-03-04 10:12:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:12:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:12:40 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'010221adcd847e'
2021-03-04 10:12:40 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'1102a1adcdbb7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:40 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'82503a7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:12:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:12:50 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'120321ad7acf7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:50 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Data frame: b'2203a1ad4dbe7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:50 DEBUG (bellows.thread_0) [bellows.uart] Sending: b'83401b7e'
2021-03-04 10:12:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:13:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:13:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:13:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:13:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:13:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:13:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:13:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:13:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:13:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:13:40 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:13:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:13:50 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:14:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:14:00 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:14:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:14:10 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:14:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:14:20 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''
2021-03-04 10:14:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Send command nop: ()
2021-03-04 10:14:30 DEBUG (MainThread) [bellows.ezsp] Application frame 5 (nop) received: b''

The Telegesis stick will need to be flashed with the correct firmware to be compatible with bellows – I’d go to the latest 6.7.8 here – Can’t recall off the top of my head but by default it may use the old AT style firmware which is not compatible:
