Zigbee controller for garage door

Hello everyone.

I have a garage door opener from Sommer similar to this one. https://www.sommer.eu/fr/duo-vision.html
I have a slot to add an additional push button and I have also an output to know the door status.

So I’m looking for a device zigbee device that can control the input to open/close the door, but can also returns the state of the door.
I found the aqara relay with 2 channels but I don’t if it will suit my needs ?

Do you have any recommendation ?
Thanks a lot.

Does it have to be zigbee? There are many wifi garage door openers in this space and they are really easy to hack up with an esp8266 and a relay, plus esphome.

How does the door status work? What is the signalling.

Yes I know the Shelly 1 for example but I would prefer a zigbee device.
The status comes from the output pins used to connect a warning light. The light is on when the door is not closed, off when it’s closed.

For the opener, there are 8 mentions of the word “relay” on this page of zigbee2mqtt compatible devices. https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/supported_devices.html

For the sensor, there are a few threads on here detailing how people have hacked one of these https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/devices/MCCGQ01LM.html as a general purpose sensor (take out the reed switch and solder the contacts to a relay[1], and the other side of the relay to the 24v dc output.)

[1] or an optocoupler. Just don’t apply the 24v directly to the device, or it will cease to be useful.

I know that I can modify a contact sensor but I’m looking for one device which support the two functions (control and state sensor). I don’t know if such zigbee product exists ?

I don’t know of anything off the shelf that will work. I also prefer zigbee to wifi and just built my own with an xbee. We have a quirk that allows you to read and write the DIO pins of an xbee. It works well, but I think it’s only been tested with an xbee coordinator.

I have also a Summer garage door opener. I made mine smart using a Pi Zero. It is a little oversized but I had one just laying around. You can find my project here. And of course it doesn’t work with zigbee but you could easily integrate also the state of the door.

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The page I pointed you to already has this https://github.com/formtapez/ZigUP/ and a number of other devices that may work.

Ok, for now I’m using a Shelly 1 which works well except a poor wifi range.
I can control my garage door and I also have the status of the door thanks to the SW input connected to pin 11 and 12 (warning light)

I’m also thinking about doing this. How bad of a range do you experience? And how do you know the state by pin 11 and 12? A warning light only lights up when the door is moving right? So you don’t know if it’s open or closed when the light isn’t on. Or am I getting it wrong?

Hello, I have a Duo Vision garage door, too, and would like to do the same. I have managed to connect the power suply and the door opener like this. I have the 34V DC on clamps 11+12, when door is open, but have no idea how to use them to get the door status

Can anyone help, please?

Can it be that it cannot be solved without the Shelly add on?