Zigbee coordinator showing twice

Hi guys

Looking for some advice here as I’m still learning the finer details of the ZigBee protocol.

I’ve had a working ZigBee network for several months, but for some reason I have two coordinators showing in the device list and visualisation. Both have a number of child devices attached, but one coordinator always shows as ‘offline’ in the visualisation. This doesn’t feel right or normal to me but I’m not sure how to make it right.

I’m using ZHA with a Sonoff ZigBee Bridge flashed with Tasmota ( I did start my original ZigBee network with the Sonoff USB dongle, but removed that hardware and integration and setup the network from scratch with the bridge.

Here’s the integration setup:

Here’s the two coordinators showing in the visualisation:

Here’s the first coordinator with its child devices:

Here’s the second coordinator with its child devices:


I expierenced the same when i tried to replace a conbee2. The new conbee worked as expected, however the old one was not removed and I could not delete it. As I was experimenting at that time, i tried to delete ZHA without solving it. Then I started from scratch…
I know this is not solving anything, just to say it seen before.

Suggest post as a new issue to → https://github.com/home-assistant/core/issues