Zigbee cover does not support "stop" action

Hello there,

I’ve installed a couple of zigbee automatic blinds for the outdoor windows. When I paired the zigbee bind engine with the HA, I checked that I was able to open, close the blind and stop the movement of the bind. So, until here, everything ok.

BUT, when I tried to link the blind engine with a 3 button zigbee switch (open, stop and close) I noticed that I cannot stop the blind movement since there is no such option in the automation form. Only “set position” option is available, which is a crap because it means that I cannot stop the blinds when are in the best position for me.

Has anyone faced this situation before? Is there any trick to stop the blind movement from an automation? Since the functionality is already available in the dashboard, I guess this limitation should be easily fixable.

Thank you!!

Try another action type. Like “service”.

Why cant you just set the position that is good for you?

The idea is to be able to stop the blind movement pressing the stop button of the zigbee switch. There is no an ideal position for all the sun possible position in the sky :wink:

Thank you! Yes, in services it is possible to stop the blind movement.

For anybody else looking for this, the service is “cover” Cover - Home Assistant

Hey @HektorBA did you ever find a good way to implement this? Not having the stop button on my lovelace cards kind of sucks.