Zigbee Devices Greyed Out - “This entity is no longer being provided by the mqtt integration”

I have read through several similar topics about this issue and have not been able to discover the cause. MQTT Explorer shows the MQTT feed looking normal from what I can tell.

I deleted the MQTT integration and readded it, only after rebooting Zigbee2MQTT did the devices show back up, but they were still ‘unavailable’. I have tried reconfiguring the integration with both localhost & the IP of the system. Both have the same result. I tried wiping away HA and reinstalling that. After that hassle, the same result.

Everything works fine through the Z2M UI. HA Logs show no errors related to Z2M. Z2M logs have only sensor messages and a few messages related to unplugged/disconnect devices.

What is going on here?

Edit: Similar Threads that I have reviewed:


What version of HA?

What version of Z2M?

What changed recently? Did you change any settings in Z2M?