Zigbee Devices Not Available or dropping off the network

I’m tearing my hair out trying to troubleshoot devices dropping off the network. The devices dropping off seem to be primarily Aqara door and motion sensors. I have no idea what to try next. Here’s my system:

Home Assistant running on a VM in Unraid.

Running ZHA on a Skyconnect. The Skyconnect is on a USB 2.0 port with a 36" USB extension cable. I tried using a USB 3.0 port and it doesn’t seem to matter. I also tried a Sonoff 3.0 USB Dongle Plus–ZBDongle-E.

ZHA is set to Channel 15. My Wifi Router 2.4GHz band is set to Channel 6 and my two range extenders are set to Channel 11.

My Zigbee network has 72 devices. 39 of these are battery powered. I have a mix of Aqara, Sonoff, Ikea, Philips, Sengled, and Third Reality devices.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe try channel 11

and although not for HA, this is good reading:

Thanks. The Hubitat info was good reading. I’ve been reluctant to change my Zigbee channel for fear that I would have to repair all my devices, but maybe that’s what I need to do.

you can perform an energy scan in ZHA by navigating to Settings → Devices → SkyConnect (or whichever ZHA device) → ⋮ menu → Download diagnostics

Scroll down i the file to see the current utilization in % for each channel to see how busy/noisy they are.

that is a short snapshot however so you should repeat that at different times to get a better picture

I tried this but couldn’t find the relevant info in the file. I searched for “utilization” and “%”, but neither of these terms were found. I also tried searching for “15” (my Zigbee channel) and found several entries for “depth:”.

There are 45 diagnostic entities that are not enabled. Might one of those provide helpful info to solve the problem?

I just looked at this as I began to migrate from a conbee to sonoff and found this in the json file.
“energy_scan”: {
“11”: 88.70042934643088,
“12”: 91.05606689948522,
“13”: 92.95959997754716,
“14”: 98.62178092672917,
“15”: 98.43344238842926,
“16”: 84.164247274957,
“17”: 88.70042934643088,
“18”: 85.82097888710312,
“19”: 75.96022321405563,
“20”: 17.086630587133605,
“21”: 33.860880820104335,
“22”: 49.512515447068886,
“23”: 97.97769123383605,
“24”: 62.257682586134884,
“25”: 65.26028270288712,
“26”: 96.19660508390695

Ok. I found the scan. Here are the results:

“energy_scan”: {
“11”: 7.659755505061292,
“12”: 21.09014924761344,
“13”: 33.860880820104335,
“14”: 13.711043742539033,
“15”: 82.35373987514762,
“16”: 99.27573563839312,
“17”: 98.62178092672917,
“18”: 99.363464769115,
“19”: 97.04162534718327,
“20”: 59.15797905332195,
“21”: 33.860880820104335,
“22”: 55.9836862725909,
“23”: 62.257682586134884,
“24”: 19.00785284282869,
“25”: 8.631361812931262,
“26”: 28.30261646762903

If I move from channel 15 to 11, wouldn’t that just make 11 a higher utilization?

Also, if I move to Channel 11 do I have to re-pair all my devices, or will they automatically connect to the new channel?

Changing channel means re-pairing. Some devices will find the new channel themselves, but certainly not all.

@klkohl start by trying to follow all these tips as they contain most best practices → Zigbee networks: how to guide for avoiding interference + optimizing using Zigbee Router devices (repeaters/extenders) to get best possible range and coverage

If using latest ZHA integration then normally it is only Zigbee end devices (usually just battery-powered products) that will need to be re-paired, as normal is that all always-on Zigbee Router devices (usually mains-powered products) that have permanent power and are connected will automatically change channel → https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha#defining-zigbee-channel-to-use

Zigbee2MQTT developers have recently begun working on initial support for the same feature for zigbee-herdsman → Base support for channel switching without re-pairing by Nerivec · Pull Request #977 · Koenkk/zigbee-herdsman · GitHub

Regardless, if possible begin by setting non-conflicting static Wi-Fi channel(s) on your Wi-Fi devices (Wi-Fi router and WiFi access points, etc.) as that is usually much easier than changing Zigbee channel.

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Yes I have close to 80 devices and all reconnect on a Chanel change. Im running into the same issue, 1 or 2 bulbs will drop off every day or 2, I have no battery powered routers, I think my channel is just congested.

“energy_scan”: {
“11”: 70.89933442360993,
“12”: 85.82097888710312,
“13”: 85.82097888710312,
“14”: 70.89933442360993,
“15”: 49.512515447068886,
“16”: 36.830390267097734,
“17”: 85.82097888710312,
“18”: 82.35373987514762,
“19”: 33.860880820104335,
“20”: 75.96022321405563,
“21”: 80.38447947821754,
“22”: 70.89933442360993,
“23”: 70.89933442360993,
“24”: 68.14622793558128,
“25”: 85.82097888710312,
“26”: 52.75969252664325

I’m using 25 now but doesn’t matter, I think I just have too many devices, zigbee isn’t meant for that I suppose. As you can see every channel is congested. Could switch to 15 but then 15 would be where 25 is now. Can’t win with 2.4ghz congestion :wink: I didn’t have this issue with Hubitat BUT I was using 2 hubitat hubs, 1 just for bulbs and 1 for switches and battery devices, which seemed to work a lot better.