Zigbee devices resetting themselves and the names

Zigbee device is sometimes seem to reset themselves and then go back to their default names. I’m using z2m and everything is setup fine.

In particular I have two light switches which show up as switches and then I change the display to light. This creates a helper device. And then I need to add the name because the switch comes with L1 and L2 although only have one connected.

When it resets everything goes back and the names of the device changes as well so all my automations fail.

It’s a multi-step process to get the names back to how we want them. p is there a better way to make it not do this.

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First time posting, new to HA (again) after giving up a few years back - getting the feelings again haha

Im getting this aswell - I thought it was just the tuya ZigBee hub loosing name/location/type but after 3 times renaming 91 entities etc, it has happened again. It is tuya as a whole loosing settings.

I don’t believe it is a settings issue as it has been fine with no issues - not using SSL, Proxy or duckdns just a beginner build on pi.

Any help/info would be greatly appreciated - not renaming entities until I know they won’t revert back.

Do you rename in Z2M? Otherwise the device will not change name, only the “shown name” will change. Remember to have Z2M change the HA device name,to avoid difference.

Thanks for replying so quickly. No just through devices - My ZigBee hub is integrated through tuya and shows up with all the 2.4ghz entities incorporated into Tuya - which are incorporated into home assistant.

I was looking into mqtt but when I realised it wasn’t just the ZigBee entities it’s everything from Tuya, I saw it to be a waste of effort.
Tuya isn’t loosing connection - I think home assist restarts are revert the entity names

I was answering to the first post.

In regards to using Tuya cloud devices, I have never tried, however might be the same, remane in Tuya if possible?

Oh sorry, yeah possibly but the names in HA aren’t the names saved to Tuya they are auto generated by HA.