Hi All. After some updates my Sonoff SNZB-02s temp and humidity gauges stopped working.
I found this in the Zigbee2MQTT log file. Seems when it upgrades from 1.40.2 and zigbee herdsman 2.1.3 to 1.41.0 and 2.1.7 is when it stopped working and I got the below message.
Any tips on a fix.
Sorry a bit new to home assistant and not really sure where to start.
warning: zh:ezsp: ‘ezsp’ driver is deprecated and will only remain to provide support for older firmware (pre 7.4.x). Migration to ‘ember’ is recommended. If using Zigbee2MQTT see Improved Ember (EZSP) driver (experimental) · Koenkk/zigbee2mqtt · Discussion #21462 · GitHub