Zigbee Error

Hi Team. So i have purchased the Zigbee device in this link and i have flashed it as per the install notes.


Its all setup and i am able to switch some Zigbee switches on and off. However i have noticed on the console screen i am seeing this. Anything to worry about?

If running supervised, did you uninstall/disable modemmanager ?

Thanks for the reply. I am running the Generic x86-64 image of HA. With that do i need to uninstall anything?

In that case, you should not.

On bare metal or a VM ?

on bare metal. Running on a HP Elite X2 laptop that i had spare.

Then I don’t have no idea why you get this error in your console.

Have you already rebooted the host with the stick connected?

Yep. Been rebooted loads since the stick was installed.

Have you reflashed the firmware (or an alternative/updated version).
If yes and the problem still persists you should probably get in tough with the maker/vendor…

I am running this firmware on it LINK