Zigbee for plants exists?

Hi everyone, I’m looking for a sensor for plants (with light, humidity, etc’) that communicates via zigbee. All I find online is mi flora which is bluetooth (BLE) and ‘intermidiary’ esp32/esp12/arduino devices. I prefer not to use bluetooth at all if possible and to buy a zigbee device. Do you have any suggestions?


This device is Zigbee. I’ve never used it though.

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Just saw this thread and would like to ask if someone connected these linked sensors above into homeassistant?

I don’t see them on the supported list in https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/information/supported_devices.html so would need some work to add https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/how_tos/how_to_support_new_devices.html

There are a few issues with this sensor:

  • It doesn’t seal properly, so moisture gets into the case with the circuit board, which is not good
  • The temperature sensor is not reflected correctly in HA, so it is not useful for temperature
  • The moisture is not very accurate in HA.

It is too expensive for those drawbacks.

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Could look at building your own. There is also a V3 that has the bill of materials that U can order assembled from jlcpcb.

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I’ve now bought an ESP32 board which makes monitoring of ble sensors much easier.