Zigbee Home Automation Home Assistant Yellow

New Yellow POE and I am trying to configure the Yellow Zigbee Home Automation, each tim
time I try to configure I get an error that says Unknown error occurred. I have also install an
Aqura M2 USB controller installed, and I pulled it out thinking there might be a conflict
but still have the same issue
Any help is welcome.
Zigbee Error

Do you have the dongle or the correct radio module?
See: Zigbee Home Automation - Home Assistant

Googled and found this discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/nzfyx1/comment/ii4t4jl/

I have the Home Assistant Yellow PCB board which has a Zigbee controller built in. I also have the USB stick M2 Aqara. I cannot get the Zigbee automation to work on my Yellow board. Thanks

What Operating System are you running on your HA Yellow board? Using the official HAOS for the Yellow will ensure proper support for all of the Yellow’s onboard hardware. If you’re running any other Linux OS, you may need to make some tweaks to ensure the RPi’s GPIO pins are properly assigned to all of the onboard devices.

Can you get into the logs (under settings, system, logs). Either get Full Logs or Download logs to see what the errors are.

You are using the +Add Integration (blue button), and selecting the Zigbee home automation after adding it (Yellow) just above the title. Before adding (red circle with a Z in it, correct? Not the add a Zigbee device, that is later, if it doesn’t discover your Auga after being installed.

I have it loaded without any issue.

Just a thought, have you check to see that it is proper mount. It may have come loose during shipping. Other have had issues to things not being seated.

This is where the repository on github resides: GitHub - home-assistant/yellow.home-assistant.io

Did you find the problem? I’m having the same issue myself and I can’t seam to figure out where the problem is.