Zigbee Home Automation Integration has Confusing Name

I suggest that the integration as displayed in the configuration menu’s visually change to show that the Zigbee Home Automation integration is commonly referred to as ZHA.

I suggest this because while I was learning and troubleshooting my zigbee devices, I’d find reference to suggestions for the various zigbee integrations. I’d keep seeing ZHA among others, but didn’t immediately recognize that ZHA was in fact the integration I was using, because within Home Assistant it doesn’t call it that.

The logo or short description could be updated to say ZHA.

Home Automation is the official name of the application profile of Zigbee supported by Home Assistant.

from Zigbee Profile ID List-Public Profile IDs,Zigbee Device IDs

Interesting about the public profile ID. Of course not being a Zigbee expert, I’d never heard of such a thing. But any time I learn something new is good.

That said, I totally agree that acronyms can be abused around here. Actually, around any technical field, project or organization. I’m as guilty as the next guy. But I admit it took me a while to make the connection between ZHA and Zigbee Home Assistant.

It’s much too easy to fall into the habit of writing in shorthand for the folks you know will understand. But it’s lazy and borders on elitist.

I’ll try to avoid that going forward. Maybe if enough of us do that we can change everyone’s habit here.

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