Looking for a zigbee hub that can connect to home assistant via wifi. I use HA in a VM and have had all sorts of issues with keeping a usb dongle connected. At a vacation home, I’ve got HA setup with network devices on wifi, and that works well. Wondering if there is a zigbee hub that could turn on lights, etc like a usb stick would do, but will connect to wifi so that I don’t have to worry about the VM issues of a dedicated usb stick.
There are WiFi connected Zigbee coordinators.
They suck.
There are also Ethernet connected Zigbee coordinators.
They don’t suck.
Ethernet would work as well.
Are these considered Ethernet Zigbee Coordinators?
Would I have to use Zigbee2MQTT or can I still use Zha?
You can still use ZHA
Thank you.
Are any of these available on Amazon in the US? I clicked on a few of the buy links and they take me to China sites…
Tube’s Z is US Based, but you have to buy from him direct.
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