Zigbee / Hue


I have a HUE bridge integrated into HA and recently added a Deconz Zigbee controller as well as a couple of Zigbee devices. Am I right in thinking it would make sense to get rid of the HUE integration and bind everything to Zigbee? This would certainly simplify things and I suppose create a better/consistent Zigbee mesh?


I did this long ago, using Zigbee2MQTT with a USB based coordinator. Works like a charm and allows controlling devices not supported by Hue. On the other hand, you will loose the “value adding” features of the Hue bridge and application (like routines).

Like Christoph said, it has pros and cons. However before even thinking of migrating from HUE to HA-Zigbee I’d purchase a decent Zigbee-USB-stick. The Deconz is outdated and fairly weak. Also the software has its’ shortcomings.

Look for a CC2652P based Zigbee-Stick (like ZigStar v4, SonOff etc.), that will give you much better results and can handle way more devices, too.

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Thanks both for your advice. I will switch it over then. I did upgrade the firmware of my Conbee II USB stick and haven’t had any real issues but I only have around 8 Zigbee devices - the rest of them are all Z-Wave. Mounting my Conbee horizontal via a USB extension from the raspberry has helped as well I believe but I’ll keep the alternatives in mind as my Zigbee devices grow…

Also… Hue bridge allows firmware updates.

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I believe Z2M allows firmware updates as well.

…not my bulbs…

Huh. I was sure I have updated my Hue devices that way.

Edit: I just checked and Z2M does support OTA for the bulbs I have (white, colour, bloom and lightstrips).

…but maybe not for every Hue, so it is worth checking.

It does for some brands, see OTA updates | Zigbee2MQTT