Zigbee instability

I knew that when I switched to SkyConnect that is was experimental and I wanted to see how it functioned. The first couple of months it was rock solid with both Zigbee and Matter devices.
Starting with a core update in Mid-December this changed. About 3 days a day, sometimes more, Zigbee drops off and cannot initialize. This can only be resolved by system boot.
I understand the easy fix is to roll back to a stable core. I have done several hours of work on entity names, automatons, Node-Red, and other stuff. I don’t want to lose this work and I’m afraid a rollback would cause this to occur.
I guess the question: Is there a real estimation on when the instability will be fixed?

If you’re using the multi-protocol firmware then… when it’s stable.

The devs are now actively discouraging use of that, except or those willing and able to debug problems.

The SkyConnect itself has only ever been experimental for Zigbee2MQTT, not ZHA, and it still is experimental for Z2M.

You are right and I should not have mentioned anything.