Zigbee keypad for alarmo

Good morning, I am thinking of integrating alarmo into my home assistant considering that I already have a lot of sensors.
All I need is a ZigBee keyboard to match.
Can anyone recommend me something compatible that I can buy on aliexpress or amazon.it ?

Hi, what part of the world are you in?

HI @Neil_Brownlee I’m from Italy

Hmmmm … well I’m using a Hive KEYPAD001 but I’m not sure if you will be able to find one over there.

Do you have an aliexpress link ?

None on Ali, but there are some on ebay.it

In Europa non vengono commercializzate tastiere Zigbee purtroppo, sono anni che ne cerco una.

@KameDomotics Did you find an alternative solution?

Unfortunately not

Searching the same thing, this seems to fit : Zigbee2MQTT - Control Alarmo via keypad

I solved it by buying one of these: Develco KEYZB-110 control via MQTT | Zigbee2MQTT