ZigBee light coming on every hour by itself

I have an Osram ZigBee bulb that has very recently started switching itself on every hour (see the log below). I have had to write a short Node Red routine to switch it off whenever it comes on (also in the log). I am 99.999999% sure that I have no automations switching it on. I produced some debug logs for ZHA and there were zero turn_on actions in there which would seem to confirm this.

I use ZHA with a RaspBee II and I also have the ZHA Toolkit installed via HACS.

My understanding (limited unfortunately) is that ZigBee devices can be configured to come on and off at different times of their own accord (ie without being driven by ZHA). I’m guessing that somehow my bulb has been instructed to come on every hour. Is there a way of resetting my bulb? What are the instructions that can be sent to a bulb (and even better, is there a good online resource that explains how and what’s possible for ZigBee devices)?

Turned off triggered by service light.turn_off
10:57:05 - 19 minutes ago - Supervisor

Turned on
10:56:32 - 20 minutes ago

Turned off triggered by service light.turn_off
09:57:05 - 1 hour ago - Supervisor

Turned on
09:56:18 - 1 hour ago

Turned off triggered by service light.turn_off
08:57:04 - 2 hours ago - Supervisor

Turned on
08:56:04 - 2 hours ago

Turned off triggered by service light.turn_off
07:56:04 - 3 hours ago - Supervisor

Turned on
07:55:49 - 3 hours ago

Turned off triggered by service light.turn_off
06:56:04 - 4 hours ago - Supervisor

Turned on
06:55:26 - 4 hours ago

Turned off triggered by service light.turn_off
06:11:04 - 5 hours ago - Supervisor

Turned on
06:10:17 - 5 hours ago

Turned off triggered by service light.turn_off
04:56:04 - 6 hours ago - Supervisor

Turned on
04:54:44 - 6 hours ago

I had a similar problem with a philips hue bulb, it turned out be a faulty bulb.

To help me diagnose, I shut down HA, turned of the hue hub and swopped to bulb to a different fitting but still it would intermittently turn on.

I did notice the bulb was running hotter than the others.

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Thanks. I was going to close down HA when I could and see if it continued to happen. However, having been as regular as clockwork for several days, it seems to have stopped happening (almost from when I posted)! I’ll keep watching.