Zigbee lights keep resetting (shelly?)

Hi All,

I am new to Home asisstant and Zigbee, i have a couple of lights (Ikea Tradfri) connected with zigbee to my raspberry pi 3 with home assistant (Conbee 2) The lights work perfectly only sometimes i turn the lights on or off with the switch and then the lights reset and lose connection, or the lights are not avaible because the switch is off.

I found a shelly relay Link that you can place behind your socket too keep connection and use both switch and home assisant for the lights.

Will this solve my problem for the lights resetting or wil it only keep connection when the switch is turned of (i am quite a noob with electricity) and what do i need to fix this

You can set the shelly in detached mode, so it registers the switch, but does not toggle the relay.

You’re not supposed to turn them off via the wall switch. leave them on permanently and use something like a wireless remote or an automation to turn them on and off.

To stop people turning them off in my house, there are a few solutions. You can either get a switch ‘guard’ that goes over the switches, or an adapter that attaches to the front of the switch which can then hold a wireless switch, such as:

Then use the wireless switch to ‘turn off’ the bulb, but it doesnt lose power that way.