Zigbee Mesh. What is it doing?

I was looking at my ZHA topology after adding some zigbee power strips and I was wondering what the logic was to leave many of the battery/sensor devices remote when they could use an always-on repeater as a better route?

For example, I moved stuff around to make it neater:

Left and right are 4x Ikea room lights
Top are the 3 new power strips I added
Bottom 2 are small ikea lights
Central is my ConbeeII
Left and right of that, 2x Innr plugs

They all look like they’re having a party with meshing together and ignoring the connected sensors.
Only 6 of the 17 battery sensors that are configured are connected to one of the repeater routes.
And 3 of those 6 are hooked onto a single bulb

An Aqara motion sensor seems to update every 10-30 minutes if nothing’s happening (temperature and Lux updates)
In comparison, their weather sensor updates very frequently and I do see it’s connected to one of the Ikea lights.

2 questions

  1. Do they connect on frequency of updates?
  2. Can you force a sensor to connect to a repeater/device to improve responsiveness and stability?

You can pair a device via another device. To do this:

  • Go to Settings then Devices and Integrations then Devices
  • Find the device you want to pair from
  • In the Device info area use three dot (Reconfigure Device) menu
  • Select Add devices via this device

However, the ZigBee mesh network will reconfigure itself as it thinks fit.

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I also think zigbee mesh will configure its self. The only thing I noticed about the router. I use plugs as a router. The more devices that consume electricity is connected to the router the more end devices will connect to that router.

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