I have been struggling with devices going offline, especially battery sensors. My apartment is not too big, around 100 square meters about 15-20 square meters each room. Home Assistant is in the closed which is exactly in the middle of the apartment.
I changed my Wi-Fi 2.4GhZ to channel 1 and my ZHA to channel 25 and my Zigbee2MQTT to chanel 20. The Z2M is solid, it has around 40 devices. The ZHA is not so good and has around 80 devices.
I use the SkyConnect for both, 2 separate coordinators. I want to fix the ZHA to be as solid as the Z2M.
I put 2 dedicated repeaters/signal boosters in each end of the apartment and the main coordinators in the center. I also added 7 zigbee smart plugs to it to form better connected. I read somewhere that powering off HA will force the devices to form links with the new/closer routers that has stronger signal. How long do I need to power off HA? Thanks
P.S. This is my current Wi-Fi state: My Wifi is AkeNet, the red one.
You mean to the devices that go offline to remove them from ZHA and add them to Z2M? I will try that. But my ultimate goal is one day to be entirely using only ZHA, but with the lack of support for many new devcices in ZHA that day might not be so soon…
Yeah sad !, make me very glad that im living on the countryside 100m to nearest.
This will ofcause also effect/Disturb your Zigbee Network, No wonder most of your Zigbee Channels had high usage.
Atleast with Your Wifi on 1, and Zigbee far away, you can be certain you don’t causes overlap
However Zigbee Channel 20 is around 7-9 on that WIFI chart, Where it actually looks like you have 6 “bastard network” disturbing , definitely not a good place for low rang Zigbee’s to be
According to the sources I read, most devices best on 11, 15, 20, or 25 I am a bit afraid to try 26, might be worst? Or there is no way if I dont try it The problem is I had to repair most of my 80 ZHA devices, like 20 or so were Ok the rest were offline
Yes, i hate when one can’t have total control of a route, should be possible to “bind” Devices to Any Router/repeaters
PS: Fleskefjes suggestion might be your best shot, Move as many of the Distant-Devices to Z2M
BTW, Do you have both SkyConnect dongs connected to your USB close to the HA Device ?
I guess you have read by now that USB3.0 is a Zigbee killer, so having 2 coordinators connected close to an i.e PI Device, is not “optimal”
As you did run WIFI on ch1, it might be redundant info, But Dont Run your TV(s) over WIFI, Wire then, anything that can be wired should be wired ( beside TV(s) consume about +20w when idle/sleep, it’s WIFI will always i.e "wait for Updates etc) , Best reason to Wire a TV
No, my TV is not wired. Good point. MY receiver, my TV, my TV box and etc are all wifi. I will wire what I can. I will try to move the offline devices to Z2M and see what happens. Thanks
Hello, and what happen @alexvaltchev keen to hear your outcome, cheers
Trouble I’m having is, that I have 3 devices that are bind through another device which is bind to my controller, and those 3 ones aren’t able to be controlled/reached of HA. Look my network map, the square one is the controller