Zigbee PIR _TZ3040_bb6xaihh TS0202

Hi there,

I got myself a cheapo Zigbee PIR. It exactly looks like Tuya Motion Sensor ZB3.0 ZM-35ZH-Q Zigbee compatibility
I can pair it with Home Assistent over a ZHA bridge and it shows up in HA as
by _TZ3040_bb6xaihh

But while it shows a battery symbol, its value is unknown and foremost, it seemingly never sends any data when the PIR is triggered. The sensor itself flashes blue and that’s it.
How can I debug, if it really doesn’t send anything or if HA just doesn’t do anything with it?


That one?

[Device Support Request] TUYA movement sensor _TZ3040_bb6xaihh (TS0202) · Issue #2357 · zigpy/zha-device-handlers · GitHub

Oh yes. That’s one of two links I came across when searching for the ID.
But didn’t see it as relevant because I didn’t see the connection of Zigpy with HA. Now I’ve read about it, so it’s clear to me.

Thank you, so I learned two facts at once.

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