Zigbee radio fails after last update. DID work great for over a year

My sonoff wifi zigbee adapter worked great for over a year until this update and now it’s marked as not recommended and unreliable.

It now won’t stay connected for over two days, “Failed to set up”

I feel like there’s a moving target with these integrations. One change wipes out half the users then the next change wipes out the other half… Then hands go up in the air… I give up… it’s not recommended…


Other supported but not recommended Zigbee radio adapters or modules

I know I know… wright your own stuff if you want things to work. but who has the time. ha promised me the solution.

It’s not recommended because people discovered the problems with it, when it was first known it appeared to be a good device. Problems with hardware can take time to come to light, leading to situations like this.

  1. It turns out WiFi and Zigbee on the same device can cause issues (which isn’t really a great surprise)
  2. The particular chipset is very sensitive to network delays. WiFi often has random network delays. The combination causes issues (this was a surprise).

Now, if you want help rather than just ranting… post the logs.

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As mentioned root cause of the problem is the a WiFi bridge is not prone to drop packages which Silicon Labs EZSP serial protocol used is not desigbed to handle.

FYI, Zigbee2MQTT has the same warning. Summery; not use a WIFi bridge for serial devices:


Yep sorry for the rant…
I guess just frustrated that my component that has zigbee and wifi in it, Has been Perfectly reliable…
And has been capable of being Reliable for over a year. It’s not the hardware.
Now I’m suppose to through it in the trash.
It did come to light after a software update… how is that not the updates fault?
With a big house running usb cables all over to get zigbee coverage is not an option.
again sorry just frustrated. I’ll figure something out.

You run one USB cable to the coordinator. All over is … “slightly” exaggerating.

Still… without logs there’s no way to help you.

Downgrade is not possible.

You can’t downgrade add-ons.

Here’s what the ha CLI command states:

This command can upgrade a Home Assistant add-on to its latest version.
It is currently not possible to upgrade/downgrade to a specific version.

ha addons update [slug] [flags]

update, upgrade, up

ha addons update core_ssh

-h, --help help for update