With the not-so-nice climate, today was the first day where we had both a low(er) temp and also some rain. Three out of four of my outside zigbee devices had issues and I am wondering if there is any relationship… anyone else had this problem ?
… I guess not as no posting that I could find… still asking
Well, quite hard to tell without knowing what kind of ZigBee devices, brands and models you are talking about
It is an odd topic, I agree but could not find any error whatsoever so …
It is meant as a generic question, I just found it weird that with this sudden rain/temp-drop I had issues. Could it also be that a single device is disrupting others in the mesh?
Not as long as that single device is not a router on which other zigbee end devices depend on.
Water absorbs RF energy and this absorption is particularly high in the >1GHz region. That’s how your microwave oven heats the water in your food. Rain and moisture in general (water vapor suspended in the air) are excellent RF absorbers and will decrease RF range by a lot. The more the higher the frequency. Pure 433MHz devices or zwave (800-900 MHz) are much less affected than 2.4GHz devices. It gets worse on 5GHz. There isn’t really anything you can do about this outdoors, other than increasing tx power or adding more devices as repeaters.