Getting error in ZigBee configuration following upgrade from HA OS 7.2 to 7.3 + Core 2022.2.2 to 2022.2.3:
Retrying setup: [Errno 2] could not open port /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller_C1301E19-if01-port0: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller_C1301E19-if01-port0’
All ZigBee devices down under…
HubZ Smart Home Controller - HubZ ZigBee Com Port, s/n: C130xxxxx - Silicon Labs
Zigbee Home Automation
Please advise…