Hey guys.
Git a weird one with some zigbee devices and zigbee2mqtt.
Originally i had a xiaomi plug that continually went offline. Turns out i didnt need this plug anyway, so i ditched and re-paired all the things that were using it as a router, and everything was fine for a couple of days.
I now have different router devices that go offline. I had 2 today when i got home from work. A Xiaomi smart blub ZNLDP12LM and a Xiaomi relay, LLKZMK11LM.
The relay is the really annoying one as I have to flick the power on and off to restart it. KIlling power to them both brings them, and anything using them as a router, back online.
I had a HEAP of issues when I first started using z2m with a CC2531, but some time ago I bit the bullet and moved to a LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1, as it was relatively easy to get hold of during covid.
I have 38 devices, mostly Xiaomi and Sonoff, and i seem to awlays be fine for a couple of days. Anything talking to different routers, or directly to the coordinator never seems to have a problem, theres always just 1 or 2 that go offline.
Any advice / hints / ideas ?