Zigbee Shutter controllers - TS130F one reports as shutter, other as blinds... Use different quirks

Hi everyone,
I have two zigbee controllers for exteral window shutters - both looking the same, both TZ130F:

However I noticed that when I tell google to, for example, close all of the shutters, all non-zigbee close alone with one of the mentioned, while the second zigbee stays open.
I compared their description in google home, and it looks like one is being reported by homeassistant as shutter and other as blinds!

Knowing this I compared devices in HA itself, and in zigbee cluster management I found the following:

                        "Proper" shutter controller                         "Wrong" shutter controller (reports as blinds)
1. Quirk             zhaquirks.tuya.ts130f.TuyaTS130GP       zhaquirks.tuya.ts130f.TuyaTS130FTOGP

Can anyone suggest what can I do to “force” the second one to report as shutter?

Could you use customize to change the device class?

I assume it uses the same mechanism, but it turned out that it’s as easy as setting in HA web gui details/settings for this device as “show as: shutters”

Leaving that here in case someone else runs into the same issue. Or for me when I forget about it :wink:

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Hey everyone! :hammer_and_wrench: So, I’ve been diving into the world of Zigbee shutters, and I’ve hit a bit of a snag right at the starting line – the wiring. :man_shrugging: It seems like I’m stuck in ‘Step 0’ territory! Could use a bit of guidance here. If anyone out there has conquered this hurdle, mind lending a hand (or a picture)? I’d love to take a peek at your wiring setup for some inspiration! Let’s shed some light on this together! :bulb:

My current switch looks like this:

Oh, man. I know I will sound like some guys on an electronic forum I visit from time to time - but if you’re having problems with this, it might mean you should not tinker with it… Call an electrician, as you’re dealing with 110/230V here.

Saying the above my conscience is clear, so here comes the advice (and also because I don’t want to be “that guys”):

I assume what I am looking at is ground from shutter connected to your installation grounding (that stays as it is), Neutral from shutter connected to your mains neutral, and phase coming in and being routed by two positions switch directly to the motor. IF that’s the case, after turning breakers off:

  1. Leave ground as it is
  2. Disassemble N
  3. Disassemble phase and motor from the switch

For next steps it would be good to use some method of connecting multiple wires commonly used in your country - whether it would be screwed together or WAGO (my personal favorite)

  1. Split mains neutral
    a) connect it to previously disconnected shutter N, it still needs it =)
    b) connect it to N of the controller, it badly needs it too
  2. Split main phase
    a) connect it to L of controller
    b) connect it to input of the switch
  3. Each output of the switch has to be connected to control inputs of the controller, one for up, other for down
  4. Up and Down motor outputs of the controller need to be connected to the wires going back to the motor - the ones previously connected to the switch