Zigbee Skyconnect Dongle - SmartLife App

I have HA and Zigbee working beautiful via the SkyConnect dongle

I recently purchased a Zigbee Smart hose connector (Candeo Smartfoss Irrigation)

This integrated into ZHA seamlessly but keeps turning off after every 10 minutes
Some digging on the manufactures website says this is built in functionality and you have to add it to your SmartLife App (which I have) to get into advanced settings to turn that off

Now my question (Sorry for the ramble)

The manufactures instructions states
“This water timer is a Zigbee device so requires a Tuya Zigbee Hub/Gateway to be already be paired with your Smart Life account”

Now, the SkyConnect is ZIgBee compatible, but is it Tuya compatible . . .
Is there a way to get the SkyConnect dongle into Tuya Smartlife app ?

Thanks all in advance

The smartlife app probably uses an undocumented or obscure zigbee endpoint to set that parameter.

You cannot “attach” a zigbee dongle to the smartlife app. The app only works with the Tuya gateway.

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For anyone else who stumbles across this thread. The Candeo Smartfoss Irrigation manufacturer sent me instruction on how to do this

You guya should submit that quirk to the ZHA Device Handlers repository on GitHub or at least open an issue there with a reference to that link if want it included in ZHA so it can be supported by default in the future, read explainations here:

Some new products will need a custom ZHA Device Handler (also known as a quirk) so first submit a device feature request issue to the ZHA Device Handlers repository on GitHub if there is not already an ongoing issue discussion there already: