Hoping someone might provide some ideas on how to investigate this. I’m running HA on a Raspberry Pi 4B and I keep up with all updates.
A couple of months ago my Zigbee devices started becoming unreliable. Things would seem OK for maybe a day or so after a restart, and then would stop working, eventually just failing to work even after restarts.
I replaced my Zigbee USB dongle with a new (different) one, took the opportunity also to upgrade from a Pi 3 to a new Pi 4, and things worked consistently well for almost two weeks. Then, suddenly, no Zigbee devices work, at all, restarts don’t help. The controller and all devices appear OK in the GUI except for the devices being unavailable, and device reconfigurations (from within the ZHA integration) fail.
Any ideas on how to look into this? Logs have been consistently unhelpful.