Zigbee stuck on Interview

Hallo guys

I use the Dresden Electronics ConBee III Stick as my ZigBee device.
If detects my new Devices instantly, but it is stuck in “initiating” and cannot proceed to make full contact with it, so I can use it within HA.

Does anyone have an Idea why?

Short Update:
I already tried the most common ideas. I also found a “solution”, that I should keep pressing the button on the devices. I also use an extension cable. Everything does not work.

ZHA or Z2M?

I am not sure, but I think ZHA. I just plugged in my ConBee 2 Stick and pressed on Add Device and on Zigbee device. So probably ZHA.

Some extension cables don’t work properly.

I will use a normal, isolated USB 3.1 Cable.
So a high quality cable I think.

Try without the cable. Is result the same?

Yes, initial, I didn’t use cables. And it worked, but then stopped. The detailed History is here:
Entire Zigbee network Broken / ZHA - Configuration / Zigbee - Home Assistant Community (home-assistant.io)

Hello @Neil_Brownlee and @Eddie

I could solve my issue eventually. So here is what I did:

  1. Buy shielded extension cable
  2. Delete Deconz and ZHA from HA by hand, including all Databases and files that will be kept even after deleting
  3. Update my Deconz Conbee III Stick
  4. Setup a new Deconz Zigbee Network. ZHA still won’t work for some reason.

Again, thanks to you all for helping me solve the issue!

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Excuse for the late reply.

Great that it worked out. Did you now have Zigbee2Mqtt?


No worries. Thanks for remembering me.
I now just use the Deconz plugin. I am not sure if I now use Zigbee2Mqtt or not. Probably not, I guess.

Have a nice Weekend.